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Friday, June 26, 2015

The Malevolent Twin Book One by Mary Sage Nguyen Book Tour and Giveaway

The Malevolent Twin

Book One

Mary Sage Nguyen

Genre: Young Adult, Suspense, Thriller,

Mystery, and a little bit of science fiction.

Date of Publication: April 2015

ISBN: 978-0996256100

Kindle ISBN: 978-0996256117

Smashwords ISBN: 978-0996256124

Ebook: 123 pages

Word Count: 37,560

Cover Artist: www.ebooklaunch.com

Book Description:

A murderous wicked twin.

An innocent, law abiding, and oblivious girl.

The ultimate brawl between contrasting sisters!

Murder, mystery, suspense and more

In The Malevolent Twin

Avery is a normal teenager, except for Venice. Venice is Avery’s imaginary friend or so she thinks. When the two begin to fight. Avery starts her investigation, to figure out what Venice really is. She encounters a wise old exorcist, and an albino psychic who assist her, with attempting to remove Venice. Which comes too late as Venice goes on a murdering rampage using Avery’s body. Does Avery survive the Wrath of Venice?

Find out in… The Malevolent Twin

Available at BN Amazon

About the Author

Mary Sage Nguyen is the youngest daughter of Vietnamese and Chinese immigrants. Vietnamese was the language spoken at home, so the only way she was able to learn English was through the public school system. Even though English was not spoken at home, Mary became an avid reader as a young child and always dreamed of being a writer someday.

Tour giveaway

5 eBook copies The Malevolent Twin

Grab your free eBook, Uriel’s Absolution, from Smashwords https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/538953

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for posting! I appreciate very much!
    Mary Sage Nguyen

