Excerpt from Redheart Kallon soared. He thrust his crimson wings to chase the clouds, tethered to the earth by only his massive shadow. He flew faster, but his shadow could not be outrun. He felt it below him, dragging across the dusty field like an anchor, pulling him downward. With a defiant twist of his wings, he veered straight up into the cobalt sky. The sky was where dragons were meant to thrive, and it was the place they returned to when they died. At least, according to his father. Kallon had believed it once. He had believed the stories of dragon valor in a world where humans and dragons worked together toward a common future. But that was long ago. Kallon didn’t believe in anything anymore. It became harder to breathe, and Kallon’s eyes burned and watered. His wings resisted moving. He’d gone as high as he could go. He paused. As far as he could see, the sky was the same unlimited blue. There was no rail, no net. There seemed nothing to keep him from going forward, yet there he was forced to stop, as every dragon before him stopped. With a groan of regret, Kallon hung his head and descended. He followed his shadow across a field of withered meadow grass. The field gave way to sand, and the sand to stones, then bulging fists of granite welcomed him home to the foothills of the Leland Mountains. Then he heard something. Instead of disappearing into his cave, he swooped above a high cliff and circled back. He dropped down to his feet, curled in his wings, and stood still as the mountains to listen. A scream. From somewhere beyond the next peak came a human scream. He snorted. Too bad it wasn’t something more interesting. His ears had long since grown deaf to the cries of humans. Then the scream came again. It was the sound of terror; the kind he used to hear from children as his shadow passed over the ground near them. He shuddered, and found himself turning toward the sound. He hadn’t wanted to go home yet, anyway. He supposed it wouldn’t hurt just to look. He flew low over the meadow until he caught the human scent. No, not one human—several. He landed quietly and loped toward a grove of ancient firs, some of which were taller than his head. Careful not to rustle any branches, he poked his face through the trees. There he saw the humans and discovered the source of the scream. Three men stood around a female, who crouched in the center of them. There was a leader, it seemed, who cackled an evil laugh and was goading the two younger men toward her. His voice was louder than the others, and his stringy hair was the color of dung. “Go on,” he said, and shoved his friend toward her. The woman shrieked and lunged, stabbing a knife at the air. The man jumped away, but the leader darted behind the woman and grabbed her wrist, then wedged the inside of his elbow against her throat. “Give me that little toy,” he snarled. The woman struggled. The leader yanked away the knife and pushed her to the ground. He slapped her face. Kallon could see her shoulders heave as she whispered in a hoarse voice, “Please. Don’t do this.” Kallon was still considering what he ought to do, when there was a sudden shout. “Dragon!” cried one of the men. “Bloody ‘ell!” yelped another. The leader just stood gaping, his bottom lip flopping up and down like a beached carp. “Run!” The man near the female jumped to his feet, and hollered again. “Run!” The leader finally moved. He flung up the knife, and it tumbled through the air to bump Kallon harmlessly on the nose. Kallon growled, anyway. The leader stumbled back. Kallon sucked in a deep breath and bellowed like thunder. The man wailed, and bolted after the others. The men collided with trees and smacked into each other in their panic. Kallon stopped bellowing to smile. Cowards. Then he swung his face to the woman. He found her gaze locked on him, and his smile dissolved, taken aback by the look in her eyes. He had grown accustomed to screams, shouts of fear, and the look of terror in the eyes of humans. But this woman reacted to him with none of these. Her face seemed to register… relief. Then her eyes closed and she fell backward onto the ground. Kallon inched forward through the trees. He bumped her shoulder with his snout. She didn’t respond. “You dead?” he asked. He nudged her again. She was breathing. Blood trickled from her nose and mouth. She smelled more pleasant than he thought a human could smell, like the musky forest path drenched in sunshine. He sniffed her again. He knew he should leave her right where she laid. She was no business of his, and he didn’t know the first thing about tending to her anyway. But she’d looked at him differently than most humans, and it stirred something within him he couldn’t explain. He lifted a claw to his cheek and rubbed, unsure of what to do. Then he mumbled, “Going to regret this.” He grasped her with his forelegs and soared off toward home.
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Friday, February 28, 2014
Leland Dragon Blast by Jackie Gamber & Giveaway
Excerpt from Redheart Kallon soared. He thrust his crimson wings to chase the clouds, tethered to the earth by only his massive shadow. He flew faster, but his shadow could not be outrun. He felt it below him, dragging across the dusty field like an anchor, pulling him downward. With a defiant twist of his wings, he veered straight up into the cobalt sky. The sky was where dragons were meant to thrive, and it was the place they returned to when they died. At least, according to his father. Kallon had believed it once. He had believed the stories of dragon valor in a world where humans and dragons worked together toward a common future. But that was long ago. Kallon didn’t believe in anything anymore. It became harder to breathe, and Kallon’s eyes burned and watered. His wings resisted moving. He’d gone as high as he could go. He paused. As far as he could see, the sky was the same unlimited blue. There was no rail, no net. There seemed nothing to keep him from going forward, yet there he was forced to stop, as every dragon before him stopped. With a groan of regret, Kallon hung his head and descended. He followed his shadow across a field of withered meadow grass. The field gave way to sand, and the sand to stones, then bulging fists of granite welcomed him home to the foothills of the Leland Mountains. Then he heard something. Instead of disappearing into his cave, he swooped above a high cliff and circled back. He dropped down to his feet, curled in his wings, and stood still as the mountains to listen. A scream. From somewhere beyond the next peak came a human scream. He snorted. Too bad it wasn’t something more interesting. His ears had long since grown deaf to the cries of humans. Then the scream came again. It was the sound of terror; the kind he used to hear from children as his shadow passed over the ground near them. He shuddered, and found himself turning toward the sound. He hadn’t wanted to go home yet, anyway. He supposed it wouldn’t hurt just to look. He flew low over the meadow until he caught the human scent. No, not one human—several. He landed quietly and loped toward a grove of ancient firs, some of which were taller than his head. Careful not to rustle any branches, he poked his face through the trees. There he saw the humans and discovered the source of the scream. Three men stood around a female, who crouched in the center of them. There was a leader, it seemed, who cackled an evil laugh and was goading the two younger men toward her. His voice was louder than the others, and his stringy hair was the color of dung. “Go on,” he said, and shoved his friend toward her. The woman shrieked and lunged, stabbing a knife at the air. The man jumped away, but the leader darted behind the woman and grabbed her wrist, then wedged the inside of his elbow against her throat. “Give me that little toy,” he snarled. The woman struggled. The leader yanked away the knife and pushed her to the ground. He slapped her face. Kallon could see her shoulders heave as she whispered in a hoarse voice, “Please. Don’t do this.” Kallon was still considering what he ought to do, when there was a sudden shout. “Dragon!” cried one of the men. “Bloody ‘ell!” yelped another. The leader just stood gaping, his bottom lip flopping up and down like a beached carp. “Run!” The man near the female jumped to his feet, and hollered again. “Run!” The leader finally moved. He flung up the knife, and it tumbled through the air to bump Kallon harmlessly on the nose. Kallon growled, anyway. The leader stumbled back. Kallon sucked in a deep breath and bellowed like thunder. The man wailed, and bolted after the others. The men collided with trees and smacked into each other in their panic. Kallon stopped bellowing to smile. Cowards. Then he swung his face to the woman. He found her gaze locked on him, and his smile dissolved, taken aback by the look in her eyes. He had grown accustomed to screams, shouts of fear, and the look of terror in the eyes of humans. But this woman reacted to him with none of these. Her face seemed to register… relief. Then her eyes closed and she fell backward onto the ground. Kallon inched forward through the trees. He bumped her shoulder with his snout. She didn’t respond. “You dead?” he asked. He nudged her again. She was breathing. Blood trickled from her nose and mouth. She smelled more pleasant than he thought a human could smell, like the musky forest path drenched in sunshine. He sniffed her again. He knew he should leave her right where she laid. She was no business of his, and he didn’t know the first thing about tending to her anyway. But she’d looked at him differently than most humans, and it stirred something within him he couldn’t explain. He lifted a claw to his cheek and rubbed, unsure of what to do. Then he mumbled, “Going to regret this.” He grasped her with his forelegs and soared off toward home.
What Happens In Scotland & Summer Is For Lovers by Jennifer McQuiston Virtual Book Tour and Giveaway
Happens in Scotland & Summer Is For Lovers
Jennifer McQuiston
HAPPENS IN SCOTLAND (Released Feb 26th,
woke up married… And then she ran.
recent widow Georgette Thorold wakes up in a Scottish inn with a
wedding ring on her finger and lacking all memory of how she came to
be there, she does what any well-bred lady with a modicum of sense
and a distrust of marriage would do: she panics, clocks the wickedly
handsome stranger in her bed over the head with a chamber pot, and
McKenzie, Esquire has either spent the evening protecting a very
naïve, and—dare he say it—very drunk young lady from the
advances of every disreputable character in the town of Moraig, or he
has gone and married a pretty, scheming thief. Not that his own head
is entirely clear on the matter, but when the woman in question
repays his kindness with a knock on the head, the bill for her room,
and the theft of his purse, an embarrassed James is determined to
track her down and show her she picked the wrong solicitor to
Georgette sets out to discover exactly what happened during her
forgotten night, she uncovers a man that seems far more a hero than a
rake. But when they finally meet, instead of sweeping her into his
arms and kissing her senseless, he serves her with a summons,
claiming she is a thief. Now the fight is on, and the only question
is was it a night worth remembering? Or a mistake they would both
rather forget?
Links (What Happens in Scotland)
IS FOR LOVERS (Released Sept 24th,
Cameron has been tricked. After bringing his supposedly ailing mother
to Brighton to take the waters, he’s found himself bombarded with
young ladies of marriageable age, while his mother has made a marked
improvement. Seeking respite from the hordes, he retreats to a beach
he hasn’t seen in years--and finds a woman he’s never quite been
able to forget.
Caroline Tolbertson just wants to be left alone. But her mother is determined to see her married off, no matter Caroline’s protests--or her embarassing lack of suitors. Seeing David Cameron, her childhood crush, again sets her heart racing, but she’s older and wiser now. And no, that wasn’t her heart sinking when David suggested a faux courtship instead of the real thing.
But Caroline has never been very good at following the rules, and the fake attraction soon grows into the real thing. Now Caroline has more scandalous pursuits in mind and David is finding it very hard to say no to his gorgeous friend. Will giving in to temptation send them both down a path they each claim to abhor--straight to the altar?
Caroline Tolbertson just wants to be left alone. But her mother is determined to see her married off, no matter Caroline’s protests--or her embarassing lack of suitors. Seeing David Cameron, her childhood crush, again sets her heart racing, but she’s older and wiser now. And no, that wasn’t her heart sinking when David suggested a faux courtship instead of the real thing.
But Caroline has never been very good at following the rules, and the fake attraction soon grows into the real thing. Now Caroline has more scandalous pursuits in mind and David is finding it very hard to say no to his gorgeous friend. Will giving in to temptation send them both down a path they each claim to abhor--straight to the altar?
Links (Summer is for Lovers)
to Follow Tour:
veterinarian and infectious disease researcher by training, Jennifer
McQuiston has always preferred reading romance to scientific
textbooks. She resides in Atlanta, Georgia with her husband, their
two girls, and an odd assortment of pets, including the pony she
promised her children if mommy ever got a book deal. Jennifer can be
reached via her website at www.jenmcquiston.com or followed on
Twitter @jenmcqwrites.
(Paperback Copy of WHAT HAPPENS IN SCOTLAND & SUMMER IS FOR LOVERS, and Pack of Mother Mae’s Chocolate Chip Scottish Shortbread Mix)
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Visionary Untamed by N. Dunham Book Blitz
Visionary Untamed (Visionary Trilogy #2)
by N. Dunham
Aislinn and Sebastian, along with Mya and Caleb, set off to the Amazon Rainforest in search of the legendary Visionary Guru when they unexpectedly come face to face with an uprising by the Rebel Leaders. Aislinn and Caleb become separated from the group and must adapt to the extreme conditions of the Rainforest. Fending off exotic animals, building shelter, and finding food become necessities in this mysterious world.
As Aislinn learns more about her spirit animal, the red-tailed hawk, she discovers that she holds the keys to her memories and that her memories hold the keys to her purpose.
by N. Dunham
Aislinn and Sebastian, along with Mya and Caleb, set off to the Amazon Rainforest in search of the legendary Visionary Guru when they unexpectedly come face to face with an uprising by the Rebel Leaders. Aislinn and Caleb become separated from the group and must adapt to the extreme conditions of the Rainforest. Fending off exotic animals, building shelter, and finding food become necessities in this mysterious world.
As Aislinn learns more about her spirit animal, the red-tailed hawk, she discovers that she holds the keys to her memories and that her memories hold the keys to her purpose.
*Cover by PhatPuppy Art ( http://phatpuppyart.com/
Author Links:
Book 1 info:
Visionary-Unleashed (#1)
by N. Dunham
Aislinn Lee Murphy accidentally unleashes her hidden ability to see
things before they happen, making her a Visionary. But little does she
know that this amazing gift comes with a severe price. She must never
tell a soul or she risks putting herself and her family in great peril.
When Aislinn meets Sebastian, a fellow Visionary, the two of them find themselves completely captivated by one another as they become entangled in a web of danger and adventure.
A Visionary is someone who has been chosen to see the future and has the benefit of having one of twelve spirit animals to guide and protect them, but Aislinn has had many encounters with a red-tailed hawk and that animal doesn’t fall into the same category. It is one of the rarest spirit animals and it comes with a challenging prophecy.
When Aislinn meets Sebastian, a fellow Visionary, the two of them find themselves completely captivated by one another as they become entangled in a web of danger and adventure.
A Visionary is someone who has been chosen to see the future and has the benefit of having one of twelve spirit animals to guide and protect them, but Aislinn has had many encounters with a red-tailed hawk and that animal doesn’t fall into the same category. It is one of the rarest spirit animals and it comes with a challenging prophecy.
Author Bio:
N. Dunham is the author of the Visionary Trilogy~ A young adult fantasy series that incorporates psychic phenomena & spirit animals!
~Ashley~ Check out Zombie Craze 2013!
How To Seduce a Band Geek by Cassie Mae Double Cover Reveal
How to Seduce a Band
Geek (How To #2)
by Cassie Mae
Release Date: 05/06/14
Swoon Romance
Summary from Goodreads:
Sierra Livingston’s got it bad for her sister’s best friend, Levi
Mason—the boy who carries his drumsticks in his pocket, marches with the school’s
band, and taps his feet to whatever beat runs through his head. Sierra racks
her brain for ways to impress the sexy drummer, but the short skirts and
bursting cleavage don’t seem to cut it.
When Sierra gets paired with Levi’s sister, Brea, for a mentorship program,
they strike a deal. In exchange for Sierra keeping her mouth shut about Brea
ditching the program, Brea lets Sierra dig for more info on Levi to help get
the guy of her dreams.
But when Sierra discovers Levi no longer plays the drums, his family has moved
into a trailer, and he’s traded in his Range Rover for a baby blue moped,
Sierra’s not sure if she can go through with violating his privacy. She’ll have
to find the courage to ask him straight out—if he’s willing to let her in—and
explore other ways to seduce the school’s band geek.

How to Hook a Bookworm (How To #3)
by Cassie Mae
Release Date: TBD
Swoon Romance
Summary from Goodreads:
It’s Brea Mason’s sixteenth birthday, and she has three wishes. 1.
Be magically eighteen like the rest of her friends. 2. Grow a money tree for
her family whose financial problems are well known about town. 3.
Overcome her test anxiety before she flunks out of every class.
But one day later, she's still sixteen, her family's money worries
abound, and she's no closer to passing than she was the day before!
Then a very sexy transfer student—with gobs of cash—shows up. Brea
figures she has a better chance of burping up glitter than attracting the new
guy, but he seems extremely interested in her.
Just when Brea thinks things are looking up, her report card
arrives marked with four giant F’s. Enter resident bookworm and Brea's loyal
friend, Adam Silver. If he can't help Brea pass, no one can.
Even with Adam's help, Brea can't handle the mounting pressure,
and finds an escape with the new student who knows little about her
But spending oodles of time with her boyfriend strains the
friendship with Adam she relies so heavily on. Faced with losing the only real
comfort and support she has ever had, Brea starts to wonder if she can hook a
bookworm before it's too late.
About the Author
Amazon multi-category
and international bestselling author of HOW TO DATE A NERD, HOW TO SEDUCE
Cassie Mae is a nerd to
the core from Utah, who likes to write about other nerds who find love. Her
angel children and perfect husband fan her and feed her grapes while she clacks
away on the keyboard. Then she wakes up from that dream world and manages to
get a few words on the computer while the house explodes around her. When she’s
not writing, she’s spending time with the youth in her community as a volleyball
and basketball coach, or searching the house desperately for chocolate.
Cassie Mae is an
Amazon.com bestselling author of the teen contemporary romance novel REASONS I
FELL FOR THE FUNNY FAT FRIEND, which she self-published. In addition to publishing
with Swoon Romance, she is published by Random House Flirt.
Author Links:
Thursday, February 27, 2014
Kindle HDX Giveaway for The Thief by Stephanie Landsem and Book Review
About the Book
Longinus is a Roman centurion haunted by death and failure. Desperate to escape the accursed Judean province, he accepts a wager. If he can catch the thieves harassing the marketplace before Passover, he’ll earn a transfer away from the troublemaking Jews.
Nissa is a Jewish woman with a sharp tongue and no hope of marriage. Only with the help of Mouse, the best thief in Jerusalem, can she keep her blind brother, Cedron, fed and a roof over their heads.
When a controversial teacher miraculously heals Cedron, Longinus longs to learn more about the mysterious healer. Instead, his journey leads him to Nissa, whose secret will determine the course of both their futures.
Unexpectedly caught up in the arrest, trial, and crucifixion of Jesus, they wonder who this teacher is who heals others but does nothing to save himself. Is the mercy he offers in his teachings real, or just another false promise? Can Nissa and Longinus overcome their pasts to find a future free of their shackles?
The Thief is an evocative story of two people trapped in their circumstances and the life-changing power of forgiveness and love.
Stephanie Landsem
The Giveaway is at Stephanie's Website.
Purchase a copy and learn more at Stephanie’s website.
My Review;
Nissa has been depending on Mouse who she needs to help her take care of her brother who is blind.
A Roman centurion named Longinus wants to leave. A miracle takes place and Nissa's brother is no longer blind. This book was the kind of book that you could not stop reading until you finished it. The author wrote such moving words and action that I cried at some chapters. This story is one of sacrifice and hope for a new future. I give this book a 5/5. I was given this book by Litfuse Publicity Group and all opinions are my own.
Heartbreak Ranch by Anastasia Ryan Book Blitz
Heartbreak Ranch
by Anastasia Ryan
Release Date: 10/15/13
Publisher: Swoon Romance
New Adult 17+
Summary from Goodreads:
Recent college graduate, Graysen Beaufort, resigns herself to two weeks of boredom at a dude ranch honoring her parents’ wishes for one last family vacation.
She doesn't plan on meeting Colt McCord, an irresistible cowboy who threatens to bring disorder to Graysen's ordinarily ordered life.
Dodging an overprotective family, an unwelcome suitor, and certain heartbreak, Graysen struggles to break free of her limitations and submit her heart to Colt’s love. But learning to let go isn't easy, even with a man like Colt.
Colt McCord, White Pine Ranch’s head horse trainer, loves the busy, back-breaking work of a cattle ranch.
But when he meets a beautiful and spirited woman from Iowa, she makes him forget everything he'd known before, and he risks everything to be with her.
Colt is accustomed to breaking horses, but can he tame Graysen’s wild heart before it is too late?
by Anastasia Ryan
Release Date: 10/15/13
Publisher: Swoon Romance
New Adult 17+
Summary from Goodreads:
Recent college graduate, Graysen Beaufort, resigns herself to two weeks of boredom at a dude ranch honoring her parents’ wishes for one last family vacation.
She doesn't plan on meeting Colt McCord, an irresistible cowboy who threatens to bring disorder to Graysen's ordinarily ordered life.
Dodging an overprotective family, an unwelcome suitor, and certain heartbreak, Graysen struggles to break free of her limitations and submit her heart to Colt’s love. But learning to let go isn't easy, even with a man like Colt.
Colt McCord, White Pine Ranch’s head horse trainer, loves the busy, back-breaking work of a cattle ranch.
But when he meets a beautiful and spirited woman from Iowa, she makes him forget everything he'd known before, and he risks everything to be with her.
Colt is accustomed to breaking horses, but can he tame Graysen’s wild heart before it is too late?
On sale right now for only $.99!
About the Author
Anastasia Ryan is a native New Yorker, but lives in Iowa with her family. She loves the beautiful chaos of raising six children. She is her husband’s girlfriend, but is also quite smitten with the written word. As the daughter of teachers, she has had a love of both great literature and writing in her blood since she was a baby. At a very early age, you would have found her perched on her father’s lap as he typed out his Master’s thesis for English. She is addicted to great books she can get lost in, finds cooking relaxing, is a sometimes web geek, and loves spending time with family and friends. She is currently pursuing her Master’s in Creative Writing.
Anastasia Ryan's debut new adult novel HEARTBREAK RANCH will be released by Swoon Romance in the Fall of 2013.
Author Links:
Mine to Spell by Janeal Taylor Cover Choice
Today we have something different for you. Instead of just revealing a cover we are asking YOU to help us choose WHICH cover to use! Mine to Spell by Janeal Falor is the second book in the Mine series. This is a YA fantasy and it is scheduled to release May 5th, 2014.
Do you like cover choice #1:
Or do you like cover choice #2:
Cast your vote here:
Be sure to stop by the authors website on March 6th for the final reveal of which cover was chosen!
Cynthia has always hidden from her father’s hexes behind her older
sister. When her family gains independence unheard of for women,
she’s relieved that her days of harsh punishments are over. But as
her seventeenth birthday approaches—the typical age to be sold to a
new master—death threats endanger her sisters. She now faces two
options: run or meet society’s expectations.
For once, Cynthia isn’t going to let her older sister shield her
from the problem. She’s going to prove to herself, her sisters, and
society that her family isn’t a threat to their traditions. She
willingly chooses to be purchased by a new master. A bold step that
takes her somewhere she never thought she would go and to a man she
might possibly fall in love with. With his help, she may
just find a way to save her sisters while discovering how to
stand up for herself. If she lives long enough.

About the author:
Amazon bestselling author Janeal Falor lives in Utah with her husband and three children. In her non-writing time she teaches her kids to make silly faces, cooks whatever strikes her fancy, and attempts to cultivate a garden even when half the things she plants die. When it's time for a break she can be found taking a scenic drive with her family or drinking hot chocolate.
Ten Giveaway Combo Packs: ebooks of YOU ARE MINE and prequel, MINE TO TARNISH
Open INT
a Rafflecopter giveaway
This event was put together by CBB Book Promotions.
Open INT
a Rafflecopter giveaway
This event was put together by CBB Book Promotions.
As Death it Begins by Elle Jefferson Virtual Book Tour and Giveaway
Death It Begins
Paranormal romance
of pages: 418
Count: 98,184
Artist: Krysa Designs
Hughes' grandmother has kept a secret from her for over thirty-one
years, who Lendyn's parents are. A devastating break-up following her
grandmother's death leaves Lendyn alone, confused and determined to
find answers. Armed with only a name Lendyn attempts to unfurl the
branches of her family tree never guessing it would put her life in
over two hundred years Englishman Callum Scott lived a life
surrounded by beauty. A life free from all those annoying human
emotions. That is until the American showed up. Lendyn flipped his
world upside down and put him in the worst sort of jeopardy. He's
starting to feel things and a murderer can't afford to feel.
Excerpt: Chapter 1
hand fumbled through the darkness reaching for Devin. I needed to
feel him, know he was there. Something troubled me, but I couldn’t
put a finger on what.
morsel of his flesh beneath my fingers would pacify me. Assure me he
was still there. I reached further until my fingers collided with the
soft, peach under-flesh of his forearm. I ran a hand across his solid
form pausing for a moment to trace a figure eight on the mound of
muscle encompassing his shoulder. He had a body fit to be relished
even in the troubling hour’s lack of sleep brought.
purred for a moment before stretching an arm and rolling over to his
stomach stifling his rhythmic snoring. I tucked the sheets over him
and kissed his golden hair. It was a perfect evening; work failed to
interrupt our plans which were a rarity. We went for a moonlit walk
along Paradise Cove, an exclusive beach, you had to be a member of to
stroll along. This meant no paparazzi to hassle us.
were one of many drawbacks to dating a celebrity, but as I admired
the contours of his body, there were benefits too. Though maybe
tonight had been too perfect. That was silly thinking. We didn’t
spend enough time alone for anything to be too perfect.
eerie flash of red in my peripheral caught my attention. I sat up
noticing for the first time the clock on the nightstand was flashing
11:41 over and over. One of the problems to living in an old hotel
like the Beltmore … things tended to fizzle out all the time. Last
month it was the air conditioning, before that, the hot water. Maybe
Devin was right, and it was time to move out of this hotel and into
an apartment. I shrugged, I’d debate that tomorrow.
patted the nightstand for my cell; it wasn’t there. Then I
remembered I dropped it on the dresser earlier this evening when
Devin had pinned me there to deliver one of his toe curling kisses.
Trying to keep quiet while navigating the dark became impossible when
I stubbed my toe on one of Devin’s Sketchers and tripped headfirst
into the dresser. My hand flew to my mouth muffling a scream that
rushed to my lips. Devin stirred but didn’t wake.
The last thing I needed was to wake him. He was a bit of a grump and
once he was awake, he’d have to leave. Work always came first.
the dresser, I felt the smooth outline of my phone. When the screen
lit up the time was only 2:08 a.m. still early and plenty of time to
crawl back into bed and snuggle up next to Devin. Halfway back to bed
and my phone started vibrating. There were fourteen missed calls and
one voicemail, all of which, came from one number—Emma. Now, I was
a bit worried. It’d been a while since the last time I’d spoken
with my best friend Emma.
had this philosophy about calling once and not calling again until
you called her back, hence my worry.
dialed my voicemail, “Wednesday, 12:15 a.m—Lend, its Em call me
as soon as you—BEEP.” Em was calling on the other line. Why was I
so nervous to answer it?
what’s going on—” I swallowed, “—is everything okay?”
didn’t even get my name out before she broke into sobs. Maybe she
and “Mister Perfect” broke up again.
I said a little louder, “you still there?” All I could hear was
sniffling, maybe she accidentally pocket dialed me. I debated hanging
up and calling her back when a familiar English accent came on the
line—Mister Perfect. “Lendyn it’s Zach … I’m afraid I have
bad news … there was an accident involving Gigi,” he paused to
take a breath as I held mine, “I’m afraid she didn’t make it.”
room began to spin, and gravity pulled at me. Was I dreaming? This
had to be a dream.
voice continued, but I didn’t hear anything except a loud buzzing
as my legs gave out, and I collapsed to the floor.
Death's Touch
Paranormal Romance
of pages: 400
Artist: Krysa Designs
Hughes had everything she wanted. A family that welcomed her with
open arms and a man who loved her as-is. So what if they were all
vampires, love picked you not the other way round. Besides she was
half vampire herself.
brief encounter. One wrong decision took it all away.
Lendyn is trying to remember what in the world she’s exactly doing
in London, why she’s back with her ex, where she got the bruises
covering her ribs from and who the taunting voice in her head is.
sorry. Two words Callum never hated more. They were the two words
he’d found on the Dear John note in Lendyn’s room. With one
breath she declared her love and in the next breath she left him. Now
his future looks bleak without Lendyn to color the way.
Chapter 1 Book Two
was a beautiful day for a wedding. The English countryside provided a
glorious canvas of green, while butterflies dancing along flowers
provided an array of color, and bees buzzing provided the summer tune
making it a day cut from a fairy tale. Surrounding magnolia bushes
were in bloom, their fragrance carried along the breeze. From
Callum’s bedroom window was an excellent view of the gazebo where
Zach, his cousin, the brother his vampire life prevented him from
having, was about to marry a loud obnoxious American named Emma. Emma
wore on his nerves but she made Zach happy so he would learn to
suffer her disagreeable ways.
in garlands of ice blue roses and white gardenia buds, the gazebo was
as lovely as a painting.
gaze, however, focused on the gardener pruning evergreens around the
gazebo. Every squeeze of the shears flexed the gardener’s biceps.
His skin dewed, veins bulging with the exertion wetted Callum’s
appetite. Since Lendyn’s release from the hospital, he, along with
the rest of his family, had been quenching their hunger from a supply
of blood kept in a repository down in the wine cellars within the
dungeons below Scott manor.
your teeth into a plastic IV bag did not bring the same thrill, or
relief, sinking into the supple flesh of a neck, or thigh, did.
gardener put his shears down and leaned against a marble column
pressing a hand to his forehead shading his eyes as he looked up
towards sky.
towards Callum.
with his human eyes there was no way the gardener could see this far.
Callum watched the gardener’s jugular strain in a thick line along
his neck.
his vow not to spill a drop of human blood in honor of today’s
wedding. The gardener started to rub at his neck and shoulder
beckoning Callum to take a taste.
blood called to him, sang of it’s sweetness. Callum couldn’t stop
his fangs from poking through his bottom lip as he bit down hard. He
slammed the window shut, locked it, and pulled the curtains closed.
He took another second to get his breathing back to normal.
tapped his fingers on the doorknob of his wardrobe, his gaze straying
back to the window.
pulled open the doors and gagged at the sickening scent of cinnamon.
Marco’s scent. Marco. His cousin and the man responsible for
killing Emery, Callum's mother, he was also the man responsible for
putting Lendyn in the hospital in the first place. Originally, Callum
believed Marco attacked Lendyn out of spite. A means to punish Callum
for all eternity, but that wasn’t the case. As ludicrous as it was,
Marco was on a mission to destroy everything. Callum’s unhappiness
was just an added benefit.
wretched scent continued to hang around attached to the tailored suit
he made for Callum. Callum yanked the suit from the depths of his
closet and hung it on the door.
he claimed he’d disposed of it as he’d been ordered to do.
Marco’s coup d’état severed all ties to their coven, their
family, and in accordance with tradition everything he handled was
burned. Callum had never seen Emma smile wider than when she watched
every last evidence of Marco’s existence burn to ash, her wedding
dress being the last item thrown onto the flaming pyre.
that she’d become more flippant and rude to everyone, but
especially him. Emma’s last injection had been that night and her
vampire side was quick in taking over.
rubbed the suit’s lapel between his fingers which he did every day,
every time he examined the suit. He touched every button, rubbed
every seam and squeezed every pocket. And, like every other time, he
found nothing. Callum steepled his hands together and tapped his
fingers on his chin.
it was the way Marco glared at the jacket each time Callum came for a
fitting, the cold stare down with Marco right before getting the
suit, or the shiver that played down his spine when his fingers
brushed Marco’s as he took the suit, he couldn’t say. Whatever
instance it was though, made it a compulsion to keep the suit. Callum
knew he couldn’t get rid of it because a vital clue hid within the
stitching. He just hadn’t found that bloody clue yet.
sneered at the suit before tucking it back into the depths of his
wardrobe. He laid down on his bed rolling over to inhale the scent
still lingering on his sheets—lilac.
gave him chills.
let go of the sheets and slid from the bed. Better to forget almost
moments than try to repeat them. Lendyn consumed his thoughts, his
fantasies. If not for continual interruptions from family, one of
their almost moments was certain to turn dangerous. Every time her
skin touched his he was willing to throw every rule away to never
break contact. Worse was that these almost moments could end in blood
being spilled; and not his.
walked over to the wall separating his room from Lendyn’s and ran
his hands along it. He couldn't say what he feared more, giving it
all, or withdrawing completely. They’d danced along this knife
blade so long he wasn’t sure he could do anything without being cut
much as he yearned for Lendyn, he feared her too. Logic leapt out a
window whenever he was in her company. His emotions, which were
lacking before, were a torrent now that buoyed to her, rising and
falling with her changing moods.
was disconcerting to be so attached to another. To worry as he did
about Lendyn. He’d vowed to never let another person corrupt him,
yet here he was utterly at her mercy. He hoped she was incapable of
cruelty in sport or else his heart would be crushed.
the Author:
Jefferson lives up in northern Arizona with her two beautiful sons,
wonderful husband and her German Shepard Dorrie. When she's not
reading or writing she's painting or enjoying the great outdoors.
is currently working on her follow-up to At Death it Begins, In
Death's Shadow, and hopes to have it released in early December.
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Save Me From Myself by Stacey Mosteller, Annie of London by L.A.
Rikand, Goodbye Caution by Jacquelyn Ayres and Infamous Ellen James
by NA Alcorn.
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