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Friday Night Monopoly Winners

Starting Friday August 30th I will be posting the Facebook winners here due to Facebooks TOS policies. If you see your name here then email me @ dgaud12@sbcglobal.net with your address so I can send you your prize! Congrats and Good Luck! .

1. Easter Towels ~ Chicks John Brindisi Easter please
2. St Pats towels ~ horseshoes~ Angie Brennan So cheerful. These are awesome.

1. St Pat's towels (saying) ~ Anna Bass Love!
2. Easter Egg towels ~ Yary Santana Liked n shared they are lovely thanks

1. random St Pats towels ~ Bernadette Lane Awesome! Thanks for the chance! 

1. leprechaun Meghan Finley Liked and shared

1. random towels M Allie Webb I like tan towels to great page thanks for chance again

5000 fans giveaway $5 Dunkin Donuts Giveaway ~ Nicole Krutz coffee!

1. Random towels ~ Deena Martin Bailey Apples
2. Color changing Angel ~  Christine Beasley Liked
3. light up tree ~ Kimberly Foster Robin this wld be so awesome

Random towels ~ Rachel Anne Gaston Butterflies

random towels ~ Rhonda Gayle Nash-Hall Love lighthouses

1. Random towels ~ Vera Wilson My kitchen is blue and cream.

1. random Christmas cards~ Anna Bass My kitchen decor is the fat chef!
2. random Christmas cards~ Patricia Furlong love red

11/13/15 \
1.~ Andrea Holmes Watson Cute ~ towels (ornaments)
2. ~ Burnadette Lockard Thanks for the chances ~ Christmas cards

Friday 10/30/15 M Allie Webb ~ random towels

 Saturday 10/17/15 Random Towels~ Misty Farris Awesome, thanks for the chance.

Sunday 10/11/15
1. Halloween decor ~ Friederike Graedener Thanks for the chance

1.10/10/15 Saturday Veggie towels ~ Deb Charte Owls
2. 10/10/15 Silver pumpkin set Diana Mauerman Liked

1. Roosters~ Kim Pasqua-Ockhuysen
2. Random towels~ Jeanine Jones Shared!

1. Random towels ~ Deb Charte Owls or trees
2. Random towels ~ April Denise Council 

1. coffee towels ~ Jeanine Jones Liked
2. random towels~  Melissa Ann Stura-Bassett

1. Rosanne Clark Love these they would look wonderful hanging on my stove 😀  (sunflower n pumpkin button)

1. Andreana Powell I like the pepper produce one
2. Brittany Cates 

1. Jennifer Clause-Packwood 

Since we forgot to pick a winner Friday night we are giving away a third towel set, if the comment picked had a tag in it. This one did. So.... 
2. & 3. Terri Bowen Stephanie Bowen

1 & 2 Kristen Elaine Willow Warden

1. towels ~birdhouse set ~ Kari Wagoner Bottom set
2. Stephanie E Jenkins Hi

1. Jennifer Gilbert Liked n shared
2 & 3  ~ Deborah Farris Shanna Gebhard

1. Sandie Raegler Hi!  towels
2. Kimberlyand JimmyMurphree Liked shared tagged and commented

1. random towels ~ Amber Mabry Hi!
2. & 3 random towels ~ Angelia Moscardelli-Medlin Jackie Beaudean Wells

1 random towels ~ Kim Avery Hi!
2. & 3. Carol Marr Trish Roberts

1. towels with dragonflies ~ Tori Norris HI 
2. random towels~ Carol Gilreath Hi! 

1. towels with birds ~ Jessi Gonzalez These are so cute!! (((HI)))
2. towels with strawberries ~ John Deal Hi 

1. Miranda Sparks Hi! 

1. cat ~ Pamela Edens Hi
2. pillows~ Maryssa Lynn Hi
3. towels~ Michelle Murphy My daughter could use these in college

1.~ Basket (any design) Brandy Smith Hi
2.~ Basket (any design) Neko Yajaira Sam Hi

1 ~ Basket (pink plaid) Diana Mauerman Shared
2. ~ Basket (victoria blue flowers) Rachael Crawford Petty Hi
3. towels (winner picked sat 3/28/15) Abbie Guerrero hiiiii

1. Purex Coupon winner is Erin Elizabeth
2. Towels winner is Jaime Marie Martin Hi!!

3-13-15 towels
1. Amy Klinebough Stephanie Maguč Mago-Eagle

3/7/15~ Towels
1. Tiffany Becker Candace Lynn
2.Jennifer Clause-Packwood Hello , My kitchen is a red and hunter green hummingbird and apple theme.

1. Heart pillows~ Ally Ortiz Sally John
2. heart pillows ~ Amber Dawn Keppler-Smego Carrie Demas

1. cat~ Donna Quarles hi Laticha DeMars Ashby
2. dog~ Spice Ellen Hi Allison Anderson
3. flower cat ~ Friederike Graedener Joli Ammons

2/20/15 ~
1. Megan Jordan I would love a sashay scarf !
2. April Denise Council Sashay scarf
3. Melissa Ann Stura-Bassett Hanging towels

2-14-15 Heart Dog

2-13-15~ towels
1. Ryver Morrissey Hello!!!
2. Desiree Reilly hi

2/06/15 ~ hanging towels
1. Kathy John LaMaster Hi!
2. Galinda Barefoot Hi these are so cute thanks for the chance to win.
3. Marie Carpenter hi! Thanks Marcy Coull

1/10/15 earrings and matching necklace
1. Mariah JerzeygirlforLife Marcotte Alicia Smith
2. Heidi McDonough Hi!
11/14/14 ~ Christmas Cards
1. Danielle N Todd never reuse cards
2. Jasmine Vega yes if it was just laying around
10/17/14~ bracelet
1. Christine Patton Hi how u doin
1. Hilary Hamilton Hi!!!
Saturday Afternoon Winners:
1. Mandi Elizabeth Gilliam Hi
2. Amanda Justice Hi!
9/12/14 $5 DD GC & pair of earrings
1. Ana Kurland Hi!
2. Samantha Duzinskas Hi!
1. Jennifer Lang Hi
2. Robyn Konopka Hi!
1. Staci Anna Luker Hi!
2. Jennifer Lang Liked and Shared
1. Natosha Zachary Hi!
2.Sarah Burke Hi
1. Carmen Henning thank for the chance
2. Natasha Chapman I could always use more school supplies! Thanks for the opportunity!
1. Hilary Hamilton Commenting!!!!
2. Anne Main Yum
$10 Dunkin Donuts gift card is Brittany Sims Chelette Hi! -flails arm- we were just over at Deal sharing aunt!
1. Kim Avery Hi!!!
2. Samantha Paulino-Benito Hi
1. Cynthia Dubuque Hi Roxi Branch
2. Betty Jane Liked
1. Traci Loya Louise Hague
2. Kari Wagoner Alex Gillispie
3. Paul's Sarah Hi!
1. Tiffany Navarre Weeks Hi
2. Tiffany Navarre Weeks Hi
3.Tammy Riddle Forsyth Hi
1. Debbie Lynn Hall-McGann Hi!
2. Skyla Marie Morris Necklace
3. Joelle Dockter Hi! I would be happy with any of them
1. Melissa Ball Gore hi
2.Jessica Bush Hi!
1. Helen May Hi!
2. Amy Toman Hi
3. Marnique Hill Hi
1. Rebecca Conrad hi:)
2. Ronnie Mewbourn Hi
3. Sara Beth Hi
3/21/14~ earrings
1. Cynthia Dubuque Black
2. Chelsea Preston the white
3. Sara Beth White
Win It Wednesday
Game 1 ~ Amanda Whitley boy!
Game 2~ Elkaisis Armstead Buying houses for my properties
Easter Basket Prize
Dawn Monroe Husband
1. Ronnie Mewbourn Dog park ave
2. Brenna Wildung The shoe
3.Hilary Martzke Luxury tax!
3/14 from 2/28
1. Tabitha Ratliff Want to win #3
2. Holly Denise Edwards #2 Liked and shared
3. Lisa Pickett Love the pink necklace and earrings! Liked and shared
2/28/14 from 2/21/14
1. Anna Parks here
2. Sherry Arsement Roy Here...Thanks Tee Williams....Liked and shared
3. Heather Russell Hess liked and shared
Flash Giveaway 1 winner is : Tabitha Weil HERE
1. Surprise~ Krystine Hill-Armstead 3
2. Jewelry or candles~ Heather Russell Hess #3.Tee Williams
3. whatever is left~ Krysshonda Williams #3
2/10/14 necklaces~ not enough shares for 4th winner
1.Tee Vaping Bratgirl Williams THE BROWNS ....LOVE THE BRACELET TOO
2. Clinton Gibbens Need #1 for my wife
3.Heather Russell Hess #3
2/3/14 Necklaces
1. Dana Hughes Brasfield 3 ...new fan
2. Christine Hernandez #1
3. Erica Weil #1
1/26/2014 $5 Dunkin Donuts Gift Card
1. Michelle Harasewicz Hot hazelnut flavored coffee
1/26/2014 Necklaces
1. Cats ToCats I like the pink one
2. Tee Vaping Williams any!
3. Melinda Fritz The wood one number three...
1/13/14 Necklaces
1. Brandie Rayburn #2
2. Kitty Iecvan 2!
3. Julia Rigdon Thanks Julie Ryan for the tag. I love them all. I can't decide. :*(
We did not reach 50 shares, so there is only 3 winners this week! thanks!
12/26/13-- necklaces
1. Brandi Schrieber Brennan I love #1 , the brown beaded necklace. Gorgeous! FORFEIT, never replied.
2. Kathy Lane #3 is the one I like.
3. Dawn Froggy Saenz they are all awesome but i like the red best
Since Random.org picked 3 winners that each wanted a different prize, you will each get the one
you want!
The winner that won the unclaimed prize is Vicky Pennington Daniels I like them all!
1. June Crane Sorensen Baltic Avenue.
2. Dawn Froggy Saenz Indiana Ave. - liked and shared
3. June Crane Sorensen Is this still going on, or over with?
1. Crystal Postalwait Morton I have nothing at all that I need. So this would be awesome please help.
1. Drema Vaught Baltic ave
2. Patricia Brown Electric company
3. Sarah Burke Park place
November 29, 2013
1. Sabrina Jennings B & O Railroad
2.Christin VanNorman St Charles place
3. Patricia Brown Boardwalk
November 22, 2013
1. Helen May Marvin Gardens
2. Crystal Broyles Water Works
3. Amber Lynn Hale North Carolina Ave.
November 15, 2013
1. Danielle Dodge Pacific Avenue
2. Christy Garrett Marvin Gardens
3. Cathy Coibion The Electric Company
November 8, 2013
game 1 ~ Amber Violette Trepkowski St . James place
game 2 ~ Crystal Young Indiana
game 3 ~Ben Greenberg New York ave
November 1,2013
Crystal Postalwait Morton B&O railroad
Peg Meros baltic ave
Lana Bradstream Electric Company
October 25, 2013
Game 1 winner is Connie Bolick Lee North Carolina Ave.
Game 2 winner is Amber Violette Trepkowski Reading railroad
Game 3 winner is Anna Parks mediterranean ave
October 18, 2013
Game 1 winner is Krysshonda Williams New york Ave
Game 2 winner is Vicky Pennington Daniels Pacific Avenue
Game 3 winner is Brooke Jason Deegan Indiana Avenue

October 11, 2013
Game 1 winner is Melissa Maxson Connecticut
Game 2 winner is Amy Hart Tennessee ave
Game 3 winner is Marnique Hill Atlantic Avenue
October 4, 2013
Game 1 winner is Samantha Loving virginia ave
Game 2 winner is Tiffany Dover Indiana ave
Game 3 winner is Miranda Welle Boardwalk
September 27th
Game 1 winner is Amanda Whitley pennsylvania ave
Game 2 winner is Kelly Maxwell Illinois Ave.
Game 3 winner is Jennifer Bartram St charles place
Flash Christmas Cards winner is Jesica Paraskevi Fico Go
September 20th
Game 1 winner is Kamla L. Data B & O Railroad
Game 2 winner is Keri Dameron Shoot sorry Connecticut Avenue ***
Game 3 winner is Judy Spencer Hunting St. Charles Place
Thanks for playing tonight and don't forget to email me your address!
August 30th
Game 1 winner is Robin Cornelius
Game 2 winner is Courtney Horacek Reading railroad!
Game 3 winner is Stephanie Fredrick Connecticut Ave
Game 4 winner is Miranda Marsh-McDonald St. James Place
September 11th:
Game 1 winner is Renee Hardimon Tennessee
Game 2 winner is Charlene Elswick Boardwalk
Game 3 winner is Tiffiny Johnson Atlantic Ave
September Friday the 13th!
Game 1 winner is Judy Spencer Hunting St. Charles place
Game 2 winner is Tj's Appliance Pennsylvania ave
Game 3 winner is Kathy Lane Virginia Avenue


  1. Yeah!!!.. Email sent :) Love Monopoly Friday

  2. Oh no I just found where I won last week.I search for the winners and didn't see my name.

    1. send us your address! we will honor your win

    2. Thank you so much! I just e-mailed you!

  3. YAY! *sillylittlehappydance* Sent email <3

  4. Sent you an email! Whoohoo!!
    Thank you!

  5. Baltic Ave where you can get the red light special ;)

  6. I sent you a email for last week and didn't know if you got it plus I sent you a message on Facebook too. I won last week round 3 and my email was Gabriel.Ethan.mama@gmail.com :)

  7. Thank you so much for the sweet gift in my mailbox. I loved the cute Christmas cards, the kids are giving them to their teachers.

  8. Just received..very cute...thanks

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