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Friday, October 23, 2015

To Be Honest by T. C. Booth Book Blitz, Blurb and Giveaway

To Be Honest
by T.C. Booth
Release Date: July 21st 2015
Clean Reads

Summary from Goodreads:

A freak accident left Starla Emerson with a deformed hand, low self-esteem, and a need to fade into the background. However, she finds it impossible to be invisible at her new high school where she is pushed front and center by a behind the scenes internet bully.

She joins forces with newfound friends to launch a counter attack in order to expose the cyber bully, aka grizzlygirl2015. Part of the plan involves the school’s bad boy Chase McFall. Star feels more for this golden eyed boy than she should as the plan progresses. The plan backfires and lands Star in a mountain of trouble.

Will she have the courage to be honest about her part in the plan and her true feelings for Chase? Or will she be left heartbroken? Once the truth is out…there’s no turning back.

Blurb: After a freak accident left Starla Emerson with a deformed hand, her self-esteem dropped and her anxiety rose. She tries desperately to avoid attention at Cedar High. Star relies on her best friend Ally for moral support, along with her crush worthy boyfriend Jared.

Starla’s world is turned upside down when her family moves. She finds herself the new girl at Centerville High School where she’s the target of an Internet bully. Newfound friends help Starla plan a counter attack to expose the bully. The plan backfires and lands Star in a mountain of trouble. Will she have the courage to be honest about who was involved in her plan? Once the truth is out…there’s no turning back.

About the Author

TC Booth was born and raised in a small town in Northeast Ohio where she currently teaches. She lives with her husband and four children ranging in ages from 13-23. Her pets include one dog named Sammy, and two cats- Sheldon and Sasha. They all match in color-orange and white. True story.

Author Links:
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  1. Thanks for informing me about this book.

  2. This will make nice christmas gift for my 2 girls. Definitely getting two copies on order when pay day comes next week.

