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Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Jewell by Tine De Salvo Virtual Tour and Giveaway


by Tina De Salvo


GENRE: Contemporary Romance



Once invited into New Orleans’ historic mansions to evaluate prized antiques, Dr. Jewell Duet held a coveted professorship at a top university. With her deep knowledge of Louisiana history and antiquities, she was the go-to person for anyone requiring professional appraisals. But, one hasty decision cost her both her reputation and possibly her freedom. Now, as she waits to discover if her future includes prison, Jewell knows that taking the job at Sugar Mill is necessary if she is to support her beloved grandmother who has advanced dementia.

Charming, sexy lawyer Beau Bienvenu's attraction to the intriguing historian vies with his distrust of her motives. Beau has one simple goal when it comes to the family that rescued him and made him part of their clan…protect them at all costs. He doesn't trust Jewell, nor her reason for taking the lowly job at Sugar Mill Plantation. What is she really up to? Is it possible Jewell and her quirky grandmother are there to try to profit from a Bienvenu family mystery? If so, both women are out of luck.

Jewell and Beau are at odds about almost everything. The only things they agree on are that family is everything…and that their mutual attraction is inconvenient.

Hope, Love and Second Chances Continue in the heart of Cajun Country



Jewell started to consider her options for investigating this mystery but decided it was best to stay focused on the meeting with her client first. She could get lost in the hunt. “We’re twenty-three minutes early,” she said, glancing at the time. “I don’t care.”

You’ll look desperate if you go too early,” Mimi grumbled. “Well, a spool of thread is a spool of thread and not a bolt of silk cloth.”

Jewell got out of the car and walked to the speaker and keypad. She pressed the call button. A smooth male voice immediately responded.

About time. I thought you’d never get here. Come straight in. We’ve been waiting since half time and the game is almost over.” The buzzer sounded and the gate swung open.

Jewell looked at the speaker for a moment, pretty certain that the man, probably Elli’s husband Ben, thought he was talking to someone other than her. But, then, maybe he did know who was speaking to. “He said to come straight in, Mimi,” she said, climbing into the truck. “I’m not sure he really knows who he let onto his property.”

Oh, that’s not good.” Mimi looked at her granddaughter. “I bet he’s a mass murderer.” She whispered as if the man she was talking about was listening. “He had a real appealing voice on that radio. I heard him. I bet he’s handsome, too. Mass murderers are always handsome. It’s how they trick their victims into their snares.” She shifted in her seat to look at Jewell. “You have your gun, right?”

Yes. Under my seat.” Well out of Mimi’s reach, she thought with relief.

Mimi lifted her red nylon handbag. “Mine is in my purse.”


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Tina DeSalvo enjoys using her imagination, humor, empathy and personal experiences to turn characters and situations into books that she hopes will entertain readers. Her first book, Elli, brought her in close contact with so many readers with whom she has loved sharing stories, laughs, tears and hugs. Tina has always been inspired by the people she meets and by hearing their personal journeys, not to mention the people she just observes along the way…so, watch out. You could be a character in her next book!

Tina is married to her handsome Cajun hero, and they live in Louisiana. They have two sons, a wonderful daughter (in-law) and four delightful grandchildren.

If you'd like to know more about Tina DeSalvo, including info on her newest work, latest contests, where she’s speaking or having a book signing, where she gets her ideas, or to see her photos from when she meets her cherished readers…please visit her website at www.tinadesalvo.com

Facebook: facebook.com/TinaDeSalvoAuthor

Twitter: twitter.com/Tina_DeSalvo

Instagram: instagram.com/tinadesalvo

Tina will be awarding a $50 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour, and a $25 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn host.

  a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Sounds good, I can't wait to read it.

  2. Sounds like a terrific book and series, thanks for sharing!

  3. It's an intriguing excerpt!


  4. Can't wait to read this one - thanks for sharing!

  5. I really enjoyed reading the excerpt. I totally can't wait to read this book!

    1. Thanks! Let me know what you think when you finish reading Jewell! Thanks for commenting.

  6. Happy to be a part of this tour, thank you for sharing!

  7. I enjoyed reading the excerpt, it sounds like a book I would like, thanks for sharing! And thanks for the awesome giveaway!

