3 Partners In Shopping, Nana, Mommy & Sissy

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Wednesday, March 18, 2015

3 Partners in Shopping, Nana, Mommy, & Sissy, Too! Spotlight and Giveaway March 18

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3 Partners in Shopping, Nana, Mommy, & Sissy, Too! 

We started out as a blog that wanted to help people save money while bringing up a family. It was Nana, and her daughter Mommy and children Sissy and Bobo.
littlegirlThis was our first post June 11, 2011 .  Sissy was in a Little Miss Strawberry Contest in town and won 2nd place.

We started to post sales and where to get bargains on groceries and more.

To our surprise when Mommy decided to homeschool Bobo and Sissy then we started to write about homeschooling. As we did reviews of educational trips and more we were asked to review items such as books and other items.

We have done reviews of a Dinosaur Park , New England Air Museum , to name a  few. This is Bobo and Sissy at their first circus.   Our blog has really grown in the last almost 4 years and so have the kids.



  1. Congrats you all...This is great blog and I got teary about your journey...I wish you many more memorable years of blogging and happy family life together! Stay blessed :)

    -Nikita @Njkinny's World of Books & Stuff

  2. Pls forgive the full of blanks comment above. I am so teary now that I cant see properly. :)
    Here is what I meant in the above comment.

    Congrats you all...This is a great blog and I got teary reading about your journey...I wish you many more memorable years of blogging and happy family life together! Stay blessed :)

    -Nikita @Njkinny's World of Books & Stuff

