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Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Party With A Plan by Randy Haveson Blog Tour, Guest Post, and Giveaway

Book Description:

Here is a proven, practical way to drink alcohol and lower your risk
for problems. Up until now, there have been two primary messages when it
comes to drinking alcohol. One is “just say no,” which for the majority
of the population is not an option. The other is to “drink
responsibly.” But what does that mean? If you ask five random people to
define responsible drinking, you will most likely get five completely
different answers. This invalidates the term because it can be defined
in so many different ways. Party with a Plan® gives a concise and
research based formula that teaches people how to drink and lower their
risk of negative consequences. It’s like creating a speed limit for
drinking. If you stick to the speed limit, your chance of problems is
minimal. However, the more you go over the speed limit, and the more
often you go over the speed limit, the more you put yourself and others
at risk. This book is long overdue!

Guest Post ;

3 Partners

A “How-To” Guide for Drinking

I know the pain of telling a parent, “Mom, I’m an alcoholic.” I know the fear of wondering if my 11-year-old daughter will follow in those footsteps. So I wanted to do something about that. I wrote my book because I saw a hole that needed to be filled.

Up until now we have had two primary messages when it comes to alcohol or other drugs. For kids we have, “just say no.” And for adults we have, “be responsible.” Both are ineffective. Why, because there’s nothing that teaches how to say no or how to be responsible. They are too vague. When I was younger I was taught how to play sports. I was taught how to drive. There are rules and guidelines to follow that are intended to keep people safe, so I decided to do that for drinking. I did years of research and came up with Party with a Plan-The Guide to Low-Risk Drinking. I found out that there are guidelines that we can teach people. There is a line between what is safe, or low-risk, and what is less safe and high-risk. I saw that it’s when people make changes in their plans during the night that problems are more likely to occur, so I addressed that issue.

My intention for the book is to give people a better awareness when making a conscious choice about alcohol. If you’re driving down the road and don’t see a speed limit sign, you’re unsure how fast you’re supposed to go without getting in trouble. Once you see the sign you know if you are under or over the limit. You might not agree with the limit and think it’s too low, but you know that there’s increased risk in going over the speed limit. And now we have that, “speed limit” for drinking. Following the low-risk guidelines outlined in the book will keep you and those around you safer.

The goal is for less people to cross the line into addiction and for less people to have life-altering consequences from one night of high-risk drinking. My hope is that this book will make that happen.



Author's Bio:

Randy Haveson knows addiction. As an alcoholic in long-term recovery (May,
1984), he has dedicated his life to helping others make more empowered
choices in their lives. He is a 25 year veteran in the substance abuse
field with extensive experience as a counselor, Director of Health &
Alcohol Education at highly accredited universities, and speaker on
over 100 campuses, speaking about harm reduction, self-esteem,
leadership, and supporting students in recovery.

Connect with the author: Website  ~  Twitter  ~  Facebook

1 comment:

  1. I want to win because this looks like a book I would want to read.

