Ruxandra learned everything she knows while growing up in a convent. Training to be the perfect nobleman’s wife, she relishes the prospect of a simple life. But everything changes when her father, Vlad Dracula, retrieves her on her eighteenth birthday. Securing her a marriage is the last thing he has in mind…
After he performs a mysterious ritual over her, Ruxandra gains uncontrollable supernatural powers. Alone, terrified, and faced with an unknown future, she is left to forge a new life for herself. There’s only one thing she knows: if she doesn’t learn to control her unnatural instincts, she’ll destroy every last shred of her humanity.
Princess Dracula is the first book in a dark fantasy horror series. If you like crisp writing, emotional gravitas, and intriguing retellings of classic tales, then you’ll love John Patrick Kennedy’s new twist on vampire lore.
About the Book
Princess Draculaby John Patrick Kennedy
Princess Dracula #1
Urban Fantasy
Dark Fantasy
Kindle Press
Publication Date
January 17, 2017

About John Patrick Kennedy

When John grew older, he discovered a taste for wanderlust and adventure. As a young man, he travelled the world with little but what he could carry on his back. He has climbed Denali, hiked the Amazon, and even spent a year in Japan, teaching English and feeding deer in the famous Nara Park. His love of Asian history and philosophy has led him to become a master at Jeet Kune Do and a practicing Taoist.
John now divides his time between two homes, one in New York City, the other in London. He is married with a beautiful little girl who inspires and captivates him. They share their homes with a loyal, loving, German Shepherd. A man of many interests and talents, John has been a world-ranked tennis pro, a ballroom dancer, chef… and of course, he remains, and always will be a writer. All of John's many interests and adventures have inspired his writing. In addition, his imagination is so vivid and dear, it is almost as if he lives part-time within a third home in his mind, an inner world his readers glimpse when they read his novels.
John writes on a Macbook Pro and finds himself hardly able to go a day without creating something, be it an idea in infancy, or one of the many novels he has going at any time. He is prolific and some friends say, even manic in the pursuit and perfection of his craft. He loves to rip wide open his readers' minds, showing them something—a world, a character—they have never read or experienced before.
He also enjoys feedback, and anyone can feel free to contact him via twitter: twitter.com/JohnPatKennedy, or Facebook: facebook.com/AuthorJohnPatrickKennedy.
John's Links

John's Bookshelf

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