This is my stop during the book blitz for the Amanda Lester Series by Paula Berinstein. This book blitz is organized by Lola's Blog Tours. The book blitz runs from 30 January till 5 February. You can see the tour schedule here
About the Amanda Lester series
The Amanda Lester series is a Middle Grade/ Young Adult Mystery series.
The series contains 5 books so far and at least 2 more books are planned. The first four books are also available bundled in a box set. And the first book is also available in audiobook format. The currently published books are:
- Amanda Lester and the Pink Sugar Conspiracy (Amanda Lester, Detective #1)
- Amanda Lester and the Orange Crystal Crisis (Amanda Lester, Detective #2)
- Amanda Lester and the Purple Rainbow Puzzle (Amanda Lester, Detective #3)
- Amanda Lester and the Blue Peacocks’ Secret (Amanda Lester, Detective #4)
- Amanda Lester and the Red Spider Rumpus (Amanda Lester, Detective #5)
The First book in the series:

by Paula Berinstein
Amanda Lester wouldn't be caught dead going into the family business. Her ancestor, Sherlock Holmes colleague Inspector G. Lestrade, is a twit. Nevertheless her parents refuse to see his flaws, and she's going to a secret English school for the descendants of famous detectives whether she likes it or not.
When Amanda arrives at the dreaded school, she considers running away—until she and her new friends discover blood and weird pink substances in odd places. At first they're not sure whether these oddities mean anything, but when Amanda's father disappears and the cook is found dead with her head in a bag of sugar, they're certain that crimes are taking place.
Now Amanda must embrace her destiny and uncover the truth. The only snag is that arch-villain Blixus Moriarty, a descendant of Holmes’s nemesis Professor James Moriarty, might be involved, and he doesn’t like nosy little girls interfering in his business.
You can find Amanda Lester and the Pink Sugar Conspiracy on Goodreads
Get the e-copy for free!
The e-copy of Amanda Lester and the Pink Sugar Conspiracy is free now on all vendor sites! Grab your free copy here:
- Amazon
- Barnes & Noble
- Kobo
- Smashwords
Get the Audiobook!
You can buy the audiobook of Amanda Lester and the Pink Sugar Conspiracy here:
- Audible
- Amazon
- iTunes
Listen to a sample of the audiobook here on Soundcloud.
All five books in the series
Buy the whole series on Amazon!
The first Amanda Lester book is free and book 2, 3, 4 and 5 are only 0.99$ per book or can be bought as part of a box set. Links to each book on Amazon are below:
- Amanda Lester and the Pink Sugar Conspiracy (Amanda Lester, Detective #1)
- Amanda Lester and the Orange Crystal Crisis(Amanda Lester, Detective #2)
- Amanda Lester and the Purple Rainbow Puzzle (Amanda Lester, Detective #3)
- Amanda Lester and the Blue Peacocks’ Secret (Amanda Lester, Detective #4)
- Amanda Lester and the Red Spider Rumpus (Amanda Lester, Detective #5)
- Amanda Detective box set Books 1-4
- The Amanda Lester series page
The Amanda Lester books on other vendors
The Amanda Lester series is also available on other vendor sites. Get the books on B&N, Kobo, iTunes and Smashwords.
Post 1: Why I gave Amanda Lester so
many flaws
Lester was so tired of hearing about the great Sherlock Holmes she
could scream. Mr. La-di-da boring detective, whoop-de-doo. Night and
day, day and night, he was all her parents talked about. ‘It’s
time to get serious, Amanda. When I was your age, I had already
memorized Sherlock Holmes’s complete memoirs.’ ‘Darling, that
will never work. You must do it like Sherlock Holmes.’ ‘Did I
tell you what Mergatroyd Thumbwhistle said about Sherlock Holmes?’
She loved her parents but they were so clueless.”
ongoing battle with her parents lies at the heart of Book 1 of the
Amanda Lester, Detective series. They want her to become a
detective like her father’s ancestor, Inspector Lestrade. She
wants to be a filmmaker—passionately. So when they force the issue
by sending her to a secret school for detectives, you can imagine
that she’s just a teensy bit upset. How is she going to be able to
achieve her dreams from some dusty old manor house in the English
Lake District?
you probably know by now, she does come around to embrace her
destiny, although not without resistance. What changes Amanda is
love—love for her new friends and for the father who is suddenly
placed in jeopardy. It is these people and the situations they face
together that transform her from a self-involved one-man band to
something deeper and more mature: a rounded, caring human being. By
the end of the book she is reborn—still a filmmaker at heart
because that’s who she is, but now a detective as well—one who
uses her filmmaking skills to solve crimes. Thus is the Amanda
Lester, Detective series launched.
is a deeply flawed character. I made her that way because I like
seeing what imperfect characters will do in sticky situations. How do
they recover from their mistakes? What do they do when people attack
them? What happens when they’re betrayed . . . or they betray
someone, as much as they may not want to? Amanda goes off in the
wrong direction more times than I can count. That’s because I find
a detective’s mistakes so much more human than the straight line
the usual literary sleuth draws from crime to solution. Amanda messes
up in her personal relationships too for the same reason. And boy,
does she embarrass herself. But don’t worry: it’s okay to laugh
at her. You’re supposed to.
you like surprises I think you will enjoy Amanda’s story. As you
read you will discover that very little is as it appears, sometimes
because the truth is purposely hidden, sometimes because things and
people change from the way they’re first presented. It’s all
because a detective’s world is full of secrets and twists. But you
will find joy here as well, and thank goodness, because it takes more
than principle to keep fighting crime.
tomorrow’s post I will talk about the upside-down fantasy
technology of Amanda’s world.

Paula Berinstein is nothing like Amanda. For one thing, she's crazy about Sherlock Holmes. For another, she's never wanted to be a filmmaker. In addition, compared to Amanda she's a big chicken! And she wouldn't mind going to a secret school at all. In fact, she's hoping that some day she'll get to build one.
You can find and contact Paula here:
- Website
- Goodreads
- Paula's blog on Goodreads
- The Writing Show podcasts
- Newsletter
There is a tour wide giveaway for the book blitz of the Amanda Lester series. These are the prizes you can win:
- One winner will win all 5 Amanda Lester books in paperback.
- Two winners will win a set of all 5 Amanda Lester books in e-format.
For a chance to win, enter the rafflecopter below:
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Thank you so much for participating in my blitz, Debra!!!!