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Friday, January 30, 2015

Devil to Pay by Renee Bernard Book Tour and Giveaway

Devil To Pay

by Renee Bernard



Workplace comedy is always fun but when the company in question in H.E.LLc (Hades Enterprises LLc) and your job is being Lucifer, let's just say, there are some unique challenges beyond Casual Fridays and who keeps taking your lunch out of the break room. Even if Hell really is just a place where evil is tracked and analyzed in endless cubicles-no brimstone and not a human soul in sight-there's no room for error. This Lucifer (who is the seventh unlucky archangel to get the position behind the black onyx desk) is about to have his entire world rattled when a very sweet and likable mortal woman crosses his path.

After all, angels can't lie. And when Jayne Hamilton wants to know what he does for a living, all bets are off. Because "dating" isn't exactly in the cosmic scheme of the Eternity Gambit, but Love... Well, Love is never really off the table.

Now, if Lucifer can just figure out how to win the girl and get himself fired, he'll be one very very happy angel.

"Filled with sparkling wit and devilish charm, DEVIL TO PAY is a delightful visit to the Shangri-La of Hell!" -- Erin Quinn, The Three Fates of Ryan Love, NYT Bestselling Author

"Only Renee Bernard could make dating Satan sexy as sin! Funny, fresh, irreverent and utterly adorable!" - Dakota Cassidy, National Bestselling Author

First book in the new Eternity Gambit series from USA Today bestselling author Renee Bernard. This is a romantic comedy series with an original paranormal twist that defies categorization and turns every notion of Heaven and Hell on its ear.


Jayne!” He shook his head. “I didn’t expect to see you—ever again.”

Didn’t you?” She decided to jump in full steam ahead before her courage evaporated. “You deliberately drop a bombshell of an announcement on a woman about being some mythical ruler of Hell, play with her sense of reality and then what? Did you expect me to just laugh it off and go on with my life?”

Luke froze. “I don’t think I had any expectations and I don’t think I proclaimed to be mythical, Jayne. But perhaps we should let Malcolm leave before we finish our conversation.”

I don’t mind staying!” Malcolm protested. “I can be very quiet over here in the corner and you won’t even know I’m in the room.”

Jayne blushed furiously. “I…I apologize. I shouldn’t have…started in…”

Oh, don’t apologize.” Malcolm’s look was nothing short of incendiary admiration. “This is priceless.”

Lucifer came around the desk effectively rescuing her from the smoldering look Malcolm was giving her. “Jayne, I was about to introduce you to Malcolm, but I’m starting to think that that would be a mistake.”

Not at all!” Malcolm protested. “I’m the soul of courtesy, Miss Hamilton.”

Lucifer began again. “Jayne, this is Malcolm. My right hand, so to speak.”

How do you do?” Jayne held out her hand, determined hold her own in the world of weird she’d just reinvaded. “Are you an angel, too?”

Malcolm’s warm hand enveloped hers, his smile brightening at the question, amping up his charm to an almost bone-melting level. “Oh, I’m no angel! But I’m flattered you would think so.” He gave Lucifer a preening look and a wink of a challenge. “I like her.”

I like her more. Behave, Malcolm. And let go of her hand.”

I apologize.” Malcolm released his grip, stepping back to defer to his boss. “I forgot myself in the moment.”

Okay, that’ll be all, Malcolm.” Lucifer dismissed him more firmly, and Malcolm bowed and obeyed, retreating to the elevator and disappearing behind its doors. “You were saying, Miss Hamilton?”

I…” Jayne took a deep breath. “I believe you.”


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

What in the world is a retired Navy chaplain’s daughter doing writing scorching hot historical romances and paranormal romantic comedies and even comic books? Renee Bernard is applying a great education from traveling all over the world to story telling and doing her best to keep her father proud. Truthfully, her father is her number one fan, even though he has sworn never to read a single word of her books (a vow he has kept to this day!) Nothing stops him from telling everyone he knows that his daughter is now a USA Today Bestselling author or from handing out bookmarks on the golf course. Love can make even a minister do strange things!

Renee Bernard is a freelance writer and host of “The Romance Bookmark” on Readers Entertainment, as well as a contributor to Romantic Times BookReviews magazine. Renee currently lives in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada Mountains in Northern California. (Note an interesting proximity to great wineries!)

DEVIL TO PAY is available now online wherever books are sold and is coming soon to Audio! The Eternity Gambit series is a fun departure from her well-known Victorian set historical romances and creates a new world for readers unlike any other. DEVIL TO PAY is the first book in this new series and is gathering up 5-Star reviews and momentum as more readers discover that office politics can hit a whole new level of crazy when you work at Hades Enterprises, LLc (or H.E.LLc).

For more information, please visit her website at http://www.reneebernardauthor.com or http://www.eternitygambit.com .

You can also find her at:

FaceBook at Renee Bernard Fan Page

Twitter: @ReneeBernard

Buy Links for DEVIL TO PAY:


  1. i enjoyed the excerpt, thank you for the chance :)

  2. Lol...I loved the excerpt - especially Malcolm - sounds like he's quite the character

  3. The excerpt is entertaining!

    Trix, vitajex(at)Aol(Dot)com

  4. I liked the excerpt, thanks for the chance!

  5. I really like the excerpt, and Malcolm is so much fun.


