3 Partners In Shopping, Nana, Mommy & Sissy

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Monday, February 2, 2015

A Little Thank You and an Update!

     Mommy and I, Nana, have been ill for a few weeks. It was horrible that we both got sick at the same time!  We are just getting kind of back to normal. 3 Partners would like to thank all of those who understood that we were unable to do normal posting and reviews. If not for http://dealsharingaunt.blogspot.com , Mommy's little sister, my baby we would have not posted at all.
    It is amazing to see how much we missed after a few weeks of being sick.  We, (Nana, Mommy, Sissy and Aunt Icky, Deal Sharing Aunt) are going to get back to posting more about homeschooling and saving money shopping.  We are just tired of spending money needlessly. We will have to make the time to start couponing again but, it will be worth it!

     Now, it is time to get ready for another snow storm starting any minute. This one will have some ice, though. We hope that everyone stays safe.    Nana

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