
Sunday, October 14, 2012


    I, Nana, got an early birthday present this week. I am finally getting into the real world. I have always used Mommy's digital camera, but now I have my own. The problem is that I will have to be shown how to use it. I can assure you that as soon as I learn how to use it there will be a lot more pictures being posted.
   As I have said many times before this is probably the most loved season in our family. Who doesn't love the crisp air when you get up in the mornings?  The days start out cold, get warmer during the day and cool down at night.  Which brings me back to cooking and smelling all of the different  smells of fall.
   Today Mommy's little sister, Auntie Lala made a recipe called BUTTERNUT SQUASH MACARONI AND CHEESE. It was really good. Auntie Lala and Uncle Lala went to a grocery store near us that had a sidewalk sale with really good prices. The squash was 3 pounds for a dollar and shredded cheese was also a dollar. The ziti macaroni was on sale a few weeks ago for 2 for a dollar. So, we used a squash which probably cost about $1.00, shredded cheese another dollar and macaroni for $.50. Altogether a great easy meal that serves 4 for $2.50. I am not sure where Auntie Lala got the recipe. She always looks at every magazine and cookbook that she could find! See, if I knew how to work my camera I could have posted a picture.
    I have to admit that I love all kinds of squash, acorn summer and butternut. Mommy and Sissy love to cook and Daddy and Bobo love to eat, a great combination.
    Today and I along with others sat at a table in our local Fall celebration and handed out brochures talking about some of the agencies that can help people with disabilities. We began doing this volunteer work after Poppie had a stroke and was blind. Even though he is gone we are still volunteering.
   We will be setting up big posters with the calendars on them. The difference is that in our family we will be listing all the birthdays and holidays on it. We will talk about if we want to make homemade presents or buy them. This will give us a chance to talk about money and the actual worth of each coin. The kids already know about the paper money.
   The really amazing thing is that everyday the kids are actually teaching us. We are really trying to slow down, it hasn't been easy. All we ever seem to do is rush all of the time. Almost everyone in the family are getting over colds, some worse than others. Hopefully we are getting back to normal.

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