
Wednesday, October 17, 2012


  Today we again worked on even and odd numbers. We had a set of cards from numbers from 1-30. They happened to be a red apple if they were even and a chalkboard if they were odd. We first put them in order on the floor. We looked at and discussed what a pattern was. Then we took the cards  and separated them, by odd and even numbers saying that  2, 4 , 6 , 8 , 10 were some of the first numbers that were even. Then we talked about how the others 1, 3, 5, 7 9 were odd numbers and we repeated this  quite a few times during the rest of the day.
  While we talked about patterns we also talked about rhyming words in a story and read some books that had rhyming words in them. We discussed which words rhymed with which. It is a really good idea to try to crossover through different subjects. These were, of course, in this case Math and Reading. The difference with homeschooling is that we can work a little, stop and return a little while later. 
  We are starting to think about some different crafts that we will be doing the next few months as well as field trips. It is really a good idea to try to do these now, before the snow starts to fall.   
   Today Auntie Lala brought Bobo a SPIDERMAN outfit for Halloween and Sissy was given a MERMAID outfit.  We had a very hard time getting Bobo to take it off and he wore it all day. Sissy's was a beautiful color but, as all girls do, she changed her mind and now wants to be RAPUNZEL. If you have read this blog earlier you would know that first she wanted to be a princess, a fairy, JESSIE FROM TOY STORY ,just to name a few. Bobo wanted to be WOODY FROM TOY STORY, or SPIDERMAN. They are getting very assertive and independent. We love every minute of it and every minute of Homeschooling.

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