3 Partners In Shopping, Nana, Mommy & Sissy

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Thursday, January 21, 2016

Run Ragged by Kari Aguila Excerpt Tour and Giveaway

RUN Ragged

by Kari Aguila


GENRE: Dystopian Women’s Fiction



In a devastated country, those in charge rule by fear, inequality, and oppression. Rhia, a strong and independent sea captain, just wants to keep her head down and do her job, unitl she finds herself trapped in a re-education facility designed to help people fit into the rules of the New Way Forward. The warden claims to be guiding those in her care, but Rhia quickly sees the cracks in the system. As she is faced with torture and brainwashing, those cracks become gaping holes that threaten to pull her down into the depths of despair. Can Rhia resist the slow subversion of re-education and become the reluctant hero the new world needs?

RUN Ragged is the thrilling second story by the award-winning author of Women’s Work. This brilliantly imagined novel is both a scathing satire and a profoundly poignant look at the price we are willing to pay for peace and what we are willing to ignore to keep our conscience clear.


(Exclusive Excerpt ):

Miss Deacon glanced back down at the file. “Now, in a case such as yours, I would recommend intensive group discussions with Ms. Archer. I think you will really connect with her, and—”

Rhia stood up suddenly, knocking her chair backward. “You’re not listening to me!” Her face was hot, and she felt her hands trembling. “You just keep talking, but you don’t let me say anything! I’m trying to tell you that I didn’t do anything wrong! I was knocked overboard during the storm last week, and I nearly drowned. John and Carol found me and helped me. That’s all! Ask them!”

Ms. Malone, I would not take the word of a known—”

And if you would let me out of here, I could get back to my boat and fix all of this. This is insane! You can’t just lock people up in here without letting them prove that they haven’t done anything wrong. You can’t just keep me here when I could so easily show you I’m innocent! That isn’t the way the system works, lady.”

Rhia shoved her hands onto her hips. “Contact the leaders from my neighborhoods. Ask them. They’ll tell you I’ve never done anything wrong in my life, and I can assure you, the second I get out of here I am going to appeal to the regional officials to overhaul this whole fucked-up place.”

Miss Deacon’s hands were folded on top of Rhia’s folder. Her expression had changed from mild surprise, to irritation, to an eerie pleasure by the end of Rhia’s pleas.

Oh, yes. I can see that you are going to be quite a challenge.”

Miss Deacon inhaled deeply and exhaled loudly through her widening smile. The leather of her armchair scrunched as she stood up very slowly, and she placed her hands flat on the desk and pushed herself up to her full height. When she spoke, her eyes shone and her voice was quiet.

Rhia Malone. I’m very sorry that you are so worked up about this. If you are convinced of your innocence, I’m sure the justice liaison will be able to help you on Monday. We would never want to falsely confine anyone without just cause. Unfortunately, I’m unable to release you until such time as the liaison informs me that it’s proper to do so. And so, my dear,” her voice became oily and deep, “you are completely in my care until that point.” Her lips curled into a smile of perverse pleasure. “I’m looking forward to this.”

A heavy drop of sweat trickled down Rhia’s spine, and she felt her flesh crawl.


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Kari Aguila was the recipient of an IndieReader Discovery Award for her first novel, Women’s Work. Her stories are gripping and thought-provoking looks at gender stereotypes and relationships set in a dystopic future. She is also an avid gardener, geologist, outdoor enthusiast and mother of three. Aguila lives in Seattle with her family. RUN Ragged is her second novel.





Kari will be awarding a $20 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour


  1. That society sounds hauntingly familiar.

  2. I must say that I am pretty sure I have never read an exerpt this intriguing. I love the name Rhia and that the character is portrayed as a strong independent woman.

  3. Really enjoyed reading the entire post, thank you!

  4. Thanks for sharing! Interesting excerpt!

  5. Congrats on your second book. Love me a dystopian book!

  6. Great excerpt, RUN Ragged sounds like a fantastic read and I enjoyed following the tour and learning about it, thanks for sharing and good luck!

  7. Thank you 3 Partners in Shopping for hosting RUN Ragged today! It's a gripping story of survival, injustice, and the corruptibility of power. I just skyped with a book club last night about it, and we had some terrific conversations about societies that have sponsored "re-education centers" like in this story. It's haunting and timely, and I hope you all enjoy it.

    The first few chapters are available FREE on Amazon, so you can check it out. I'll pop in here a few times today, so feel free to post questions and comments!

  8. Great giveaway, thank you for the chance at winning

  9. Thanks for sharing. I've enjoyed following this tour.

