
Thursday, August 20, 2015

The Banished Craft by E.D.E. Bell Blog Tour , Book Trailer and Giveaway

Welcome to my tour stop for The Banished Craft by E.D.E. Bell!  The tour runs August 18 - September 1 with reviews, interviews, guest posts, excerpts and giveaways.  The Banished Craft is a fantasy novel and is written for adults but is appropriate for mature young adult readers.   This is the first book of the Shkode series and releases on September 1, 2015.

 About the Book:
The Banished Craft is a genre-bending fantasy saga that follows the adventures of Cor, a woman caught in a dying world that does not accept her, and Atesh, a dragon scientist who's been asked to violate his own ethics or put the lives of his family at risk. Follow their trials as they deal with a shattered world, mired in political upheaval, while they try to rediscover a lost magic. The Banished Craft begins the Shkode trilogy: a quirky and modern take on dragons and wizards, exploring themes of identity, prejudice, violence, compassion, and the ways we are all connected.


4 Intro: [Cor returns to the library] Cor, after finding a book in the University library but not being able to retrieve it because it was lost in a sudden quake, has decided to return. She must disguise herself because women are forbidden from anywhere on the University grounds.

Pulling the hood as far forward as it would go, Cor glanced back into the mirror, verifying that her features were now concealed. Women should all go in this way, she mused. See how long it takes them to notice. She smiled, imagining the library full of cloaked women, no one the wiser for it. Iohn worried too much. This really wouldn’t be difficult.

She had waited a couple of weeks to try and access the library again, stewing the whole time over Iohn’s refusal to help her. The delay wasn’t just to let the injuries to her face heal. According to Iohn, the staff had been hard at work cleaning and restocking the books after the quake, and Cor wanted to wait until the tower was less occupied. Though he had been too furious to discuss the incident, he had at least let her know the towers had been reopened and were operating normally.

Cor understood the fervor with which the library staff had worked to clean and repair each room. All of the world’s knowledge in one place. Thinking about it gave her chills. It was no wonder that men across Teirrah left their families to study here, toiling for years with little reprieve.

She was sure Iohn would not believe she would be foolish enough attempt to go back without him. He was wrong. She was exactly that foolish. Cor grinned, imagining Iohn’s outrage if he saw her now. She stifled a giggle as she slipped out of a side door into the dark alley.

It wouldn’t make sense for a pageboy to be sneaking around the alleyways, so she set out with a confident stride up the path leading to the University. She hummed a song to herself as firstsun rose, bathing the fields with warm light. It took effort not to hesitate as she walked under the arch marking the boundaries of the University grounds, noticing the large wooden sign to the side of the path:

University of Teirrah, Farmstate

Authorized Access Only

Women, Cats, and Weapons Strictly Prohibited

“Lovely,” Cor muttered as she strode past.

She took a turn, heading toward the library towers looming ahead in the blue autumn sky. Trying to shake her nerves, she named each tower to herself, one by one, as they grew larger. “Reference, Philosophy, Spirit, Culture, Communication, Science, Invention, Arts, Fiction.” Her eyes fixed on the final tower. “History.” She had been so close to a lead the last time.

"A wonderfully delightful and deeply imaginative tale of struggle and the quest for knowledge, set in a well-developed and complex high fantasy setting."

--G. S. Jennsen, author of Science-Fiction saga Aurora Rhapsody

"I love Bell's sensitive and insightful exploration of compassion, connection, and relationships. The Banished Craft provides layers of thought-provoking ideas as well as good old-fashioned escapism."

--Colleen Patrick-Goudreau, bestselling author of The 30-Day Vegan Challenge

Website | Facebook | Twitter @edebellauthor | Pinterest | Instagram |  Wattpad

Bell will be releasing her first Wattpad story on 1 Sept to coincide with the release of The Banished Craft.

$25 Amazon Gift Card (INT)
Ends Sept. 9th
Prizing is provided by the publisher and hosts are not responsible in any way.

a Rafflecopter giveaway
This event was organized by CBB Book Promotions.


  1. Thanks for the giveaway. Great trailer. :)

  2. Thank you for telling me about this book, it looks great.

  3. I love the sound of this book. As I am a newbie I can't wait to start reading from a new author.
