
Thursday, August 20, 2015

Hello, My Love by E Journey Book Review, Book Tour and Giveaway

Book Description for Hello, My Love (Book #1):

This thoughtful woman’s romance novel explores the inner life (thoughts, hopes, and doubts) of a couple as they contend with the realities of compelling relationships.

A modern-day pastiche of Jane Austen novels. Elise is a bright, beautiful law student, focused on a career and distrustful of men. She butts heads with Greg at her parents’ dinner parties. Dark, good-looking, internet-business owner, he finds Elise intriguing, so unlike the dark-haired seductive beauties he used to escort around.

Specter of revenge. Unable to deny their attraction for each other, they spend an unexpected night together two days before he is to wed someone else. Lori, the jilted fiancée, exacts revenge, tearing Greg and Elise apart and forcing them to face who they are and what they really want.

An accident. Older and wiser, Greg and Else reunite two years later. He is in for a surprise. Later, their lives are thrown again into disarray when Elise becomes the victim of a hit-and-run. Is Lori back to haunt them again?

A delicious romance with a literary slant, spiced with a twist of whodunit.

Author's Bio:

EJourney is a realist who thinks she has little imagination. Credit that to her training (Ph. D., University of Illinois) and work in mental health, writing for academics and bureaucrats, and critiquing the work of others. She’s been striving ever since to think and write like normal people.

She’s a well-traveled flâneuse—a female observer-wanderer—who watches, observes, listens. And writes. A sucker for happy endings, she finds enough that depresses her about real life, but seeks no catharsis by writing about it. For her, writing is escape, entertainment. She doesn’t strive to enlighten. Not deliberately. But the bias of her old profession does carry over into her writing. So, instead of broad shoulders and heaving bosoms, she goes into protagonists' thoughts, emotions, inner conflicts, insecurities, and struggles to reach balance and grow.

Connect with the Author:   Website   Twitter   Facebook

Where to buy the book:

My review;

"Hello, My Love",  by E. Journey is the kind of love story that you experience every kind of emotion while you are reading it. Elise is on her own, a student who does not want to be near any man she is happy alone.  She meets Greg who makes her rethink her own feelings. Happy, sad, mad, glad, confused just to name a few. As I was reading this I even wanted to yell at Greg's ex fiancée, because I though that Greg was being to nice to her. Greg and Elise go through many changes and have to endure many obstacles before they can start to allow themselves to be happy. They even have to face one of them almost losing their life. I really liked this story and I loved the 2 main characters. I give this book a 4/5. I was given this book for the purpose of a  review and all opinions are my own.

  a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I enjoyed learning about this book, thank you.

  2. I like the premise I think I would enjoy reading it.

  3. I would love to win because I am a newbie to E. Journey. I like meeting new authors.

  4. I very much appreciate your reviewing the three books in my series, Between Two Worlds. And I'm thrilled that you related to the characters in Hello My Love. My kudos for being such prolific bloggers to all three of you!
    Evy Journey
