
Friday, August 28, 2015

Summer of the Eagle by Susan Edwards Virtual Tour and Giveaway


by Susan Edwards



The most powerful woman in her tribe, Blaze can heal with a touch, control the elements, merge her mind with any living creature and more. Yet, she is an outcast. Her people fear her and she herself is afraid of the things she can do. There is darkness in her visions, along with a tall, buckskin-clad stranger with golden-brown hair and eyes as green as the leaves on trees. Somehow, he is her destiny.

Luc Cordell is done with trapping. He yearns for civilization and a normal life. His only regret is leaving behind his family. But his father’s second wife is a SpiritWalker, and now, so is his father. How can Luc live with people who run with the wolves or soar across the heavens with the owls? Yet when a haunted healer with stars in her colorful eyes enters his life, he is drawn into the mystical world whether he likes it or not.

The winds of change are sweeping across the land, taking Luc and Blaze into a world of lies, deceit, and murder. Together, they search for truth and must turn to the eagles for answers.


The sound of a whine drew her attention. The injured wolf limped into the tall, dried grass. He turned and gave a low keening howl. It took a moment for her overwhelmed mind to spot the booted foot poking out of the brush. When she did, she hurried over. Parting the grass, she stilled and the air left her lungs.

Oh, no.” She stared into open, sightless green eyes. These same eyes she’d seen in her crystals, those of the handsome trapper. Blaze rushed to his side, tears sliding down her face. “I’m too late!” Staring down at strong, rugged features, she pulled out her clear crystal and held it in one hand. It was completely blank. No green eyes, no red blood. Just the stars that seemed to pulse with life. Braced for the horror of death, she cupped her palm to one side of the young trapper’s face, feeling as though she’d lost part of her soul.

Setting the crystal on his chest, she was startled when a tiny spark of green flickered in the heart of the stone. She kept her palm on his face and leaned close, her breath fanning his face as she stretched out her other hand, holding it over him. She lowered her palm to his bloody chest. There was no heartbeat, no sign of air going in and out of his lungs, yet she felt something, not physical but deeper. His body might have given up, but the spirit of the man remained.

No.” She pressed her hand hard onto his chest and gripped the side of his face. Tears slipped from her eyes. One dripped onto his cheek. “You cannot go.” Beneath her hand, she felt a sudden jolt, and hope flared in her soul. “I’m not too late.”

Without thought to the danger of retrieving a soul that had already departed the body, she merged with the stranger. He didn’t feel like such a stranger to her heart.

AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Susan resides in California with her husband of thirty + years. She love animals. Cats currently number six as she just rescued a kitten named Luna last fall. She now considers herself to be a crazy cat lady! She also has three dogs. Two adorable Chiweenies named JJ and Abbey and temporary (ha!) custody of Shasta, her daughter’s six year old, Great Pyrenees mix.

Susan also enjoys crafts of all sorts including quilting, sewing, cross-stitch and knitting. Knitting and crochet are her current passions although with the arrival of her first granddaughter, her sewing machine as seen the light of day. She is also an avid gardener. Through her love of all things Native American, she designed a 26-foot Medicine Wheel Garden. It’s a big project but one that she loves, except when the weeds threaten. Right now, with her crazy, busy schedule, the weeds are winning the war!

Camping, fishing, biking and hiking (when not hot) are other outdoor pursuits she and her husband enjoy. She is of course, an avid reader and hates cooking and housework. While writing, she listens to a wide variety of music, including Neil Diamond, Celtic, Native American, New Age, Classical, and mood music (bagpipes and howling wolves drive my family nuts). Her current favorites are Blackmore’s Night and David Lanz.

Native American/Western romance writer Susan Edwards is the author of the popular “White” Series. She was nominated for the Romantic Times Career Achievement Award for Western Historical and Reviewer’s Choice Best Book Award. She is very pleased to be able to offer to her readers her White series in Digital Format, along with her SpiritWalker series.








Susan will award a $15 Amazon/BN gift card to a randomly drawn commenter

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Thank you for informing me about this book, i enjoyed reading about it.

  2. I enjoyed reading the excerpt and look forward to checking out this book.

  3. Thanks for hosting me on my Summer of the Eagle tour. I apologize for being absent. I’m suffering a severe bout of food poisoning. Dr. gave me an injection to help with nausea and it’s made me sleep all day! Thanks again.

    Thanks also Sara and Ally
