
Thursday, August 27, 2015

Hello, Agnieszka! by E Journey Book Tour Book Review and Giveaway

Book Description for Hello, Agnieszka!  (Book #2):

A raw tale of early love, rivalry and betrayal. Her oldest son’s suicide attempt shocks the Halversons and forces Agnieszka to reveal a past she has kept from her children.

Passion for music. Hearing her talented, irrepressible grandaunt Jola, a concert pianist in Poland, give a piano recital, young Agnieszka discovers a passion for music. Jola hones her talent and feeds her dreams.

Shattered dreams. Real-world problems, thorny relations with a mother tied to her roots and betrayal by Jola shatter her dreams.

A 70s love story. Agnieszka falls in love, but fate deals her first love a death blow. She rises from the losses she has suffered and gets a second chance at happiness.

A mother’s youthful dreams thwarted and renewed, amidst the exciting promise of the 70s.

Book Description for Welcome Reluctant Stranger (Book #3):

Frantic flight, peaceful life. Act of treason on an island country. Cauldron of warring emotions. Exotic beauty, ace with a gun. Hunk with gifts for mockery and cooking.

Nine-year-old Leilani and her family mysteriously flee the island country of Costa Mora, leaving her father. Years later, her peaceful solitary life in California ends when she rescues Justin Halverson from thugs and she learns a devastating truth about her father. As she agonizes over her father, Justin comforts her, and they’re drawn closer together.

With Justin, she returns to her birthplace to get her father quietly out. There, she reconnects with her past, but can she forgive her father and accept him for who he is? Can she finally be at peace with who she is? Welcome, Reluctant Stranger interweaves a love story into a tale of past political intrigue and Leilani’s inner journey, accepting her past.    

Author's Bio:

EJourney is a realist who thinks she has little imagination. Credit that to her training (Ph. D., University of Illinois) and work in mental health, writing for academics and bureaucrats, and critiquing the work of others. She’s been striving ever since to think and write like normal people.

She’s a well-traveled flâneuse—a female observer-wanderer—who watches, observes, listens. And writes. A sucker for happy endings, she finds enough that depresses her about real life, but seeks no catharsis by writing about it. For her, writing is escape, entertainment. She doesn’t strive to enlighten. Not deliberately. But the bias of her old profession does carry over into her writing. So, instead of broad shoulders and heaving bosoms, she goes into protagonists' thoughts, emotions, inner conflicts, insecurities, and struggles to reach balance and grow.

Connect with the Author:   Website   Twitter   Facebook

Where to buy the book:

My review;

This is the second book in the Between Two Worlds series by E Journey.  Book 2 is about a young woman, how she grows up and how her life affects all of those around her. She tells her story of how she dealt with her parents, her elder Aunt and her boyfriend. None of her children ever knew about her life or what happened before she married and had children. Agieszka never seemed to fit in anywhere and never really felt as if her parents really cared about her or her feelings. I was able to read the first book in this series and I will be reading and reviewing the third in a few weeks. This is a story that will make you both happy and sad for the young woman. I give this book a 4/5. I was given this book for the purpose of a  review and all opinions a re my own.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

1 comment:

  1. Sounds intriguing and entertaining, will have to read soon. Thanks for the giveaway.
