
Saturday, August 1, 2015

Destroying Angel by Missy Wilkinson Book Blitz, Excerpt and Giveaway

Destroying Angel
Release Date: 07/09/15
187 pages

Summary from Goodreads:
Gates McFarland’s mother has just been proclaimed brain dead by a neurologist. But fifteen-year-old Gates doesn’t believe it’s true, because she hears her mother’s voice in her head. The command is simple: Find my heart. It’s the last thing Gates hears from her mother before the neurologist pulls the plug.

After contacting the Organ Procurement Agency, Gates learns there is no record of her mother’s organ donation. She meets Dr. Ascuitto, her mother’s neurologist. A menacing figure, he threatens to institutionalize Gates if she continues her inquiries.

Determined to find the truth, Gates gets help from John Ed, a street-smart, sixteen-year-old recovering addict. Together, they navigate an underworld of body theft, interstellar drug trafficking and doctors who double as dealers. She finds herself attracted to John Ed’s musical talents and emotional strength even as she is drawn ever-deeper into an alien world accessible only by use of a hallucinogenic spore. Hostile and governed by a sinister waif named Penny, the world holds secrets about Gates’ mother’s death…and the key to Gates’ survival.

Buy Links:

The book release party is Tuesday, July 28 in New Orleans. Everyone is welcome to attend! The Facebook invitation is here:


I go to the sanctuary of the high school outcast—the library. It’s almost as posh as the cafeteria: a sun-filled room with floor-to-ceiling windows that have sweeping views of the Rocky Mountains. I find a DVD of The Magic Flute, my favorite opera, and check it out. I love Mozart; always have, ever since seeing a movie about him when I was little. Dad says I had a crush on the actor that plays Mozart, but it wasn’t just that. The childhood fame, the ridiculous talent, the drinking, the mysterious early death...he was like a proto-rock star. The kind of person I dream of becoming, except without the early death. I’m a little washed up for a child prodigy, but there’s still some hope for me. I just need to do something amazing this year or next, like write a symphony or become a wunderkind fashion blogger.
Or maybe just write a decent research paper.

About the Author
Hi all! I'm a book fiend turned professional wordsmith who tells stories both fictional and factual. My debut novel, DESTROYING ANGEL, was published this year by Torquere Press. I freelance for publications including,, BRIDES and Country Living, and I have served as a local editor for Zagat and Fodor guides.

I work as a full-time journalist at Gambit Weekly, THE BEST source for news in New Orleans (I'm biased, obviously). 

Author Links:
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a Rafflecopter giveaway

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