
Saturday, August 1, 2015

Castle in the Air by Jennifer Tressen Book Blitz, Excerpt, and Giveaway

Castle in the Air
by Jennifer Tressen
Release Date: July 23rd 2015

Summary from Amazon:
The Crescent Hotel in Eureka Springs, Arkansas has been called "America's Most Haunted Hotel" largely because of the events of the 1930s when Dr. Norman Baker ran a "cancer treatment hospital" which he called his "Castle in the Air." 

Follow the fictionalized story of Clara, the young, unwed pregnant niece of Dr. Baker who comes to help at the cancer center in exchange for room and board and finds things aren't quite what they appear to be. Caring for an ill young boy at the center she feels her maternal instincts kick in - something is definitely not right at her uncle's hospital. But what? Will she be able to piece together the clues in time to save herself and the boy? Or will be forever be doomed to reside in the Castle in the Air, where once you check never leave. 

Buy Links:
AmazonBarnes & Noble


On the second floor the distinct smell of a cedar tobacco pipe lingered in the air. Clara coughed as they ascended the stairs further.

This is where sick folks get well,” Dr. Baker said opening his arms like a magician readying the crowd for his next trick. One bedroom door on the second floor was open. Clara curiously poked her head in. “Every room has a connecting bath.”

Nice,” Clara mumbled as Dr. Baker quickly pulled the door shut coming within inches of smacking her in the face.

As they made their way up another level Clara began to probe her uncle. “So what is it you do here exactly?”

We cure cancer, tumors…without operation, radium or x-rays.”

And how do you do that?”

I have found the cure.”

It works on all cancers? Cancers of the stomach as well as the head?” Clara asked.

Indeed,” Dr. Baker said, an air of arrogance in his voice. “Do you doubt me?”

Yes. Perhaps. I don’t know.

No of course not. I’ve only just met you. Why would I doubt you?” Clara said, covering the truth of her thoughts.

I once did a brain surgery in front of a live audience.”

You made an operation into a show?” Clara asked appalled by his flamboyant excitement.

But it is a show. A feat of nature, beating it at its own tricks. Don’t you agree?” he asked, searching her eyes for even the slightest falter of disagreement.

I don’t know enough on the subject to have a real opinion I suppose. I’m only nineteen you know.”

Dr. Baker took a second more to stare at her before turning and pointing toward the staircase leading to the fourth floor.


Yes, well you do have a lot to learn. A bit of ignorance should be expected. I forget how vacant-minded the youth are these days. Lily will show you to your room.” With that he turned on his heels and began back down the third floor hallway.

Bye,” Clara let out meekly. “Thanks for…the tour.”

About the Author
Jennifer Tressen is a wife, mother and writer. A former actor, she spent nearly ten years in the entertainment industry appearing in commercials, print ads and television shows. It was her love of storytelling that pushed her to the other side of the camera and sent her to film school at Chapman University. Although she entered as a Cinematography major, Jennifer graduated with a degree in Screenwriting after a single required screenwriting class forever changed her path. She found a passion for writing she had forgotten in her childhood. Everything she learned about screenwriting and especially storytelling she attributes to her mentor, the late Blake Snyder. 

After several years of writing and editing for producers and other screenwriters her curiosity led her into writing novels. As a huge fan of Young Adult and New Adult literature this is where her pen tends to lead her. However, she does have plans to release a few middle grade fiction and adult novels in the future.

Jennifer attributes her love of reading and writing to her mother who always reminded her of the power of literacy. Besides telling her and her siblings that they could do anything they wanted if they knew how to read and write, she said, "You can go anywhere in a book. You can be anyone."

Author Links:
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