
Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Heartbound by P.I. Alltraine Giveaway Info Blog Tour and Giveaway

P.I. Alltraine

Genre: Fantasy Romance

Publisher: Soul Mate Publishing

Date of Publication: July 2015

Number of pages: 295
Word Count: 65,000

Book Description:

Petyr has never found it necessary to consider the humans as anything more than distant, inferior beings–until now. They are the cause of the fatal disease that has plagued his realm, taking the lives of too many of his kind.

As a future leader of a realm in peril, Petyr must find a way to resist and cure the affliction. He must enter the unfamiliar realm, appear to be an ordinary eighteen-year-old human, observe and learn.

However, things don't exactly go according to plan. Instead of embarking single-mindedly on his sober mission, Petyr meets an 18-year-old girl who does things to his emotions that he can't quite fathom or control. Petyr is falling in love, and he almost forgets the gravity his choices have on his entire world. Despite the risk it poses to his life and hers, he wants to know her, and he wants her to know him–and his world.

Available at Amazon UK    Amazon US

About the Author:

P.I. Alltraine is an award winning poet and author. She has won several international poetry competitions, and her poems have been published in separate anthologies.

She teaches English Language and Literature in London. She earned her degree in BA English from Queen Mary University of London, a Post Graduate Certificate in Education and Master’s in Teaching at the UCL Institute of Education, University of London.

Before moving to London, she lived in the Philippines where she was ensconced in the rich culture encrusted with dark myths and enchanted tales. She draws inspiration from these in her writing. Although she has lived indifferent places and experienced different cultures, she always enjoyed the constancy of writing in her life. Her favourite authors include John Milton, Virginia Woolf and James Joyce.

P.I. Alltraine is running a raffle for anyone who purchases Heartbound between the 5th and 15th August - details on how to enter available here

Giveaway $20 Amazon Gift Card a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Thank you for the chance to win :)

    1. Good Luck Lisa. And thank you so much for sharing the trailer! xxx

  2. I really like the cover! Sounds like a good read!

    1. Thank you Janet! :) Lovely to meet you. x

  3. This looks like a great read! I love the cover too!

    1. Thank you Natalie! :) I'm in love with the cover. :) Lovely to meet you. xxx

  4. I have enjoyed learning about the book. Thanks for sharing it.

    1. Thanks for taking the time to read about 'Heartbound' Patrick. xxx

  5. Thank you for the chance to win, thanks.

  6. Replies
    1. Good luck winemama (what a fun username)! xxx

  7. Thank you for featuring 'Heartbound' :)

    1. Thank you so much for being on our blog. We really love the cover, Debra

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Sounds good. put on my must buy list. (could not get to the you tube in the contest)

  10. Hi Felicia! Thanks so much for sharing. There's another competition to win a Kindle Paperwhite (2015 edition) for those who purchase the ebook:

  11. thanks so much for the chance!

  12. sounds like a great book! Thanks for the giveaway.

