
Tuesday, August 5, 2014

The Banana Bunch by Dawn Carroll Book Tour

 The Banana Bunch
Author: Dawn Carroll
Publisher: Amolibros
Pages: 120
Genre: Children’s Book
Format: Ebook/Paperback

Purchase at AMAZON

The monkeys have a human friend called Sheila.

Sheila is in hospital – and she hates the hospital food.

The monkeys decide that something simply has to be done…

When their first attempt at delivering bananas to Sheila is thwarted the monkeys decide to form The Banana Bunch, a secret society dedicated to the delivery of delicious, health-giving bananas to Sheila and all the other unwell people at the hospital. Banana delivery proves, however, a little trickier than they had expected…


Dawn Carroll was born in London, to a family who loved to read – and who also moved house with great regularity. One of the first tasks on arrival at each new home would be to find the nearest lending library, with the result that Dawn grew up with a great love of books. Encouraged by family and teachers, Dawn also started to write short stories.

In adulthood, Dawn’s busy life as a hospital doctor left little time for leisure writing. Indeed, The Banana Bunch stories would probably never have been written had Dawn not, one fateful day, discovered that falling from even a very small tightrope can have devastating consequences… but that’s another story!

Unable to return to her chosen profession, things seemed very black for a while. And then The Banana Bunch monkeys bounced into Dawn’s world….

Since then the monkeys (and Dawn) have been having a great time – telling the stories of their adventures in print and online, and also travelling far and wide to source new story ideas and to meet new friends. Find out more about Dawn and the Banana Bunch at

August 4

Book featured at Lighthouse-Academy

August 5

Book featured at 3 Partners in Shopping

August 6

Book reviewed at Rhi Reading

August 7

Book reviewed at Little Ones Read

August 8

Interviewed at Review From Here

August 11

Book reviewed 4 the Love of Books

August 12

Interviewed at I’m Shelf-ish

August 13

Guest blogging at Literal Exposure

August 14

Book featured at Confessions of a Reader

August 18

Book reviewed at Curling Up with a Good Book

August 19

Book featured at The Dark Phantom

August 21

Book reviewed and Interviewed at The Gal in the Blue Mask

August 22

Guest blogging at Lover of Literature

August 25

Guest blogging at I Heart Reading

August 27

Book reviewed at Maureen’s Musings

August 28

Book featured at Breaking the Spine

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