
Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Goodbye to You by A.J. Matthews Book Tour and Giveaway


Goodbye To You

Release Date: 07/01/14

Swoon Romance

New Adult

Summary from Goodreads:

Europe? Nope. Mexico? Nope. Key West?

Not me. This summer, I'm playing nursemaid to my sister. Yeah, I know. Relatively good looking twenty-two-year-olds don't spend the summer bedside in the cancer ward, but that's the plan - until my sister threatens me with bodily harm unless I get on the plane.

That's when I met him. He likes me. Really likes me. But more than that, he loves my boobs -- like can't get enough. I have no idea how to tell him that they'll be gone soon. Courtesy of a preventative double mastectomy. Yep. That's what testing positive for the breast cancer gene mutation will do to a girl.

But don't feel sorry for me. I'm enjoying him, holding on until the last possible minute, while I muster up the strength to tell him, and watch him walk away.

Buy Links:

About the Author

I wrote my first book at six. A retelling of The Three Little Pigs, illustrated by my grandmother, the book was never picked up and was self-published instead, glued to cardboard with a cover fashioned from wallpaper scraps.

Today, I write stories featuring nice guys (or nice guys in-the-making) in between my other jobs writing research reports for a commercial real estate company, refereeing two young daughters, navigating the teen waters with a too-cute-for-his-own-good son, spoiling a neurotic cat, and making my darling, patient husband shake his head. I'm also an autism mom, chocolate enthusiast, sports-watcher, nacho-eater, and beer-drinker.

A Maryland native, I live in North Carolina now, but dreams of the beach fuel my fantasties, and my characters can often be found strolling in the sand or sailing along a coast.

Author Links:

Blog Tour Schedule:

Giveaway: a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Thanks for the great excerpt

  2. Thanks, 3 Partners, for hosting me on my blog tour! Lisa and Sara - if you win/read the book, I do hope you enjoy it. :)

  3. I would love to read this book. I might cry though out it but it sounds like a book that will touch my heart!

  4. Thank you for the chance!
