
Friday, July 18, 2014

Rope of Sand by C. F. Dunn Book Review and Book Tour

The third installment of the acclaimed romantic thriller series
This third volume, set in rural Maine’s deep winter, follows the developing relationship between British historian, Emma D’Eresby, and American surgeon, Matthew Lynes. Emma unravels Matthew’s alarming past and begins to comprehend how very diff erent her future might be with a man whose identity must never be revealed.
Emma nervously meets Matthew’s family. She encounters his seventy-year-old son, Henry, and learns how unique the family really is. As Christmas approaches, it is clear that Emma is not welcomed by all: what does Matthew’s great-granddaughter have against her, and what might his sinister psychiatrist granddaughter, Maggie, be prepared to do?
Bound by their faith, Matthew and Emma have accepted that they must wait to be together until his wife dies. Very reluctantly, Emma meets Ellen—an elderly woman with a core of steel—and learns how living with Matthew will mean concealment and lies. How can they have a life together?

My review;

 This is the third book in the called The Secret of the Journal. I have not been lucky  enough to read the first 2 books in this series but, after reading this book I will be running out to get both of these as soon as I can.  If you are a reader who loves suspense, mixed with romance then this is a series that you will definitely enjoy reading. The storyline is so wonderful that you are drawn into the book and I could not put it down. The author has written a book that will keep you wanting more. I give this book a 4/5. I was given this book by Kregel Blog Tours and all opinions are my own.

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