
Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Lakebridge Autumn by Natasha Troop Blog Tour Book Review and Giveaway

Title: Lakebridge: Autumn
Series: The Lakebridge Cycle, Vol. 3
Author: Natasha Troop
Publication Date: March 17, 2014
Genre: Horror Fantasy

The town of Stansbury, Vermont has survived over four hundred years of tragic events. The town survived because the otherworldly beings and powerful humans that have always controlled the lives of the people willed them to forget each terrible event. As the bloody conflict between those forces has been raging, the people have stopped forgetting. Fear and grief have replaced peaceful ignorance and the powers that be no longer care. In Lakebridge: Autumn, Stansbury will fall.

Buy Links
Amazon  |  Barnes & Noble

Author Bio
Natasha grew up in Southern California and currently lives in the Los Angeles area with her spouse, son, daughter and menagerie of pets, including a Basset named Moose and a very overprotective collie dog. What currently surprises her more than anything about her life is how much of it is just sitting there on Google, there for the taking. This scares her more than anything. The Internet never forgets.

Social Media Links
Website  |  Facebook  |  Twitter  |  Goodreads

 A $15 Amazon/B&N Giftcard or a Book Depository shopping spree of the same value, plus signed copies of the first two books in the series will be given away. Open Internationally. Ends 7/18. Void where prohibited. The code for the Rafflecopter is provided below. Those who submitted links for the Rafflecopter are expected to post the giveaway on their sites (this will be confirmed!). Otherwise, there is no obligation, but posting the giveaway is appreciated.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

My review; 

This is the third book in this series by Natasha Troop and I liked all of them  I love the storyline by this author and I loved all of the characters she has created.  It is a truly scary, suspenseful novel  and I could not stop reading  until I read the the last page to see what happened. I give this book a 4/5.  I was given this book by Masquerade Tours and all opinions are my own.


  1. Thank you for the review and for hosting my tour today!

  2. Hi! I just wanted to let you know abou this:

    As you've already reviewed the book, all you need do is post the review to Amazon and you'll be entered :)
