
Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Corrupt Skies by Alex Rodgers Book Review and Giveaway



Alex Rodgers


As a series of armed bank robberies spring up in every corner of the nation, burnt-out Air Marshal Harris Fox finds himself thrust in the middle of this high-profile case. The danger unfolds and conspiracy unravels. With lives at stake, and his family in the balance, can Fox solve the mystery before it's too late? 
A humor-filled, action-packed thriller with a cast of characters not easy to forget, this is the series for fans of television shows and movies like Rescue Me, Psych, Red, and 2Guns.


After what just happened to Williams? Are you crazy! You’re just going to run all the way over there through all that bullet fire? You’re completely insane!”

Harris tried to calm her down and look at things rationally. “Look around you Sarah. Your colleagues are pinned down and outgunned. God knows how many are dead and will die if reinforcements don’t show up soon. They are going to make a break for it, and when they do this gunfight becomes even less contained and even more people will die. I know you’re scared and I am too. I need to end this, and I need your help to do it Sarah.”

She nodded and took a deep breath. Color came back into her face. She checked the clip before popping up to open fire. “Go!” she yelled. Harris didn’t even peek to see if it was safe, he didn’t want to telegraph himself. He made a break for it, bullets flying all around him. He tripped on the curb, fell on the sidewalk, and moved for cover behind a newspaper rack. He could hear a few rounds pinging off of it. “Shit!” He covered his head. “Almost there.” The alley was only a few feet away. Harris gathered his thoughts and his breath for a moment before making a dive and rolling into the alley. Following his actions, there were the terrifying sounds of more rounds bouncing off of the sidewalk all around him.


Alex Rodgers is the author of the Corrupt Skies series. He is a military veteran and civil servant who got tired of reading about CIA and FBI Agents and thought Air Marshals would be cool.

Corrupt Skies: Episode I is his first foray into book writing, which started out as a short story. He is now happily writing the fourth novel in the series.

When he's not writing you can find him shamelessly plugging his books by reading the chapters out loud to a captive audience on the DC metro (not really). He enjoys paintballing and spending time with his wife and children at their home in Northern Virginia.


a Rafflecopter giveaway

My review;
This was a thrill from the very first page. I was immediately interested in the story and what was going to happen to the characters. The storyline was wonderful and I enjoyed it very much.  I am glad that I was able to read this story. I will be reading more from this author.  I was given this book for the purpose of a review by Goddess Fish Promotions and all opinions are my own.


  1. I like that it has action and humor , great combo

  2. Thanks for the review and the comments, I'm glad you all enjoyed the book! I really appreciate it.

  3. So the hero is an Air Marshall. That's an occupation I don't think I've ever seen in a novel....but then I don't read a lot of contemps. I'm stuck more in the historical romances. That said, you are a new-to-me author so I will enjoy following your tour to learn more about you and your book. Thanks for the review.

  4. I like the cover of the book and of course the giveaway

  5. Everyone always does the same CIA operative/FBI Agent/world-weary police officer thing, so I wanted to change things up a bit. There isn't a lot out there with air marshals, so there were a lot of fresh stories that could told. Plus, I like the whole "undercover" thing they do as a daily job. It ended up being a ton of fun to write.

  6. I've never really thought about air marshals. I'm intrigued!

  7. Thanks for introducing me to Alex Rodgers.

  8. I love mysteries and crime stories, this sounds great! thanks for sharing!

  9. I loved the excerpt. I love a good mystery.

  10. thanks for the blurbs. looks like a good book.
