
Saturday, July 19, 2014

All's Well That Ends Well by C.E. Wilson Book Blitz and Giveaway

All's Well That Ends Well (Shakespeare for Everyone Else #3)
Release Date: 07/15/14

Summary from Goodreads:
When Hannah’s world falls apart after graduation, she finds that there are only two things from her old life that she can trust: her best friend Constance, and her fascination with Constance’s cousin Benjamin. But when Benjamin snubs her advances for superficial reasons, Hannah decides that she will have him no matter what the cost. Hannah gathers a diverse group of allies to help her finally get what she’s always wanted.

In this YA retelling of William Shakespeare’s All’s Well that Ends Well, follow Hannah as she goes to the ends of the earth in her pursuit of the ungrateful Benjamin. Are there limits to love and devotion, and is all truly well that ends well?

Do you know about her reputation?” Benjamin hissed, humiliation written all over his face.  “Do you know about her father?  Everyone would see me with her! Please don’t make me do this!”

Her father committed the crimes, not her,” Matthew said, growing angry now.  “You will not punish this girl for something that was not in her control.  She’s a fine young woman and you’re lucky to have the chance to go out with her.  In the short time I’ve spoken with her, I’ve found that she is young, intelligent, attractive, and kind, and more than willing to help me despite not knowing the first thing about me.”  He lowered his voice again.  “If you treat her well and show her a good time, then you won’t ever have to worry about finding a spot on the team next year, no matter how small.  It will be yours.”

I don’t care!” Benjamin hissed back.  “I won’t take her anywhere.”

Matthew’s eyes narrowed.  “Boy, if you don’t do as I say, then I’m afraid her father’s reputation will not be the only one that’s tarnished.”

Are you threatening me, Coach?”

I don’t make threats, Benjamin.  I make promises.”


About the Author
C.E. Wilson is currently living in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania with her husband and her two dogs and two cats. They are all the loves of her life. When she’s not writing young adult fantasy novels, she enjoys writing short stories on her Deviant Art page. She loves to write stories involving giants and little people (also known as GT) and nothing helps her to write more than Coca-Cola and glazed doughnut holes.
Author Links:
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