
Saturday, March 29, 2014

SHAKE Flip-top Pill Box that Dispenses One Pill at a Time

Disclosure: I got this product as part of an advertorial.

We wanted to create an alternative bottle-style pill box that would be more stylish and more fun to use, that would sit on bedside table or kitchen counter and be the first thing you reach for in the morning, that would help you stick to your daily vitamin or pill routine. It was an intriguing design challenge.
It was important for us that the pill box cap would be easy to open and not strain the hands and wrists. It was also important to us that the pill box would only release one or two pills at a time, to reduce handling of pills and germ transfer.
And so we created the SHAKE pill bottle-inspired pill box. Transfer your pills into the SHAKE pill box, close the lid, shake, open the lid and retrieve one or two pills from the tray.
The SHAKE pill box lid is inset with an expiry date dial and there’s an inset cork caddy at the bottom of the pill box so you can plug the pill box opening to ensure pills remain inside the pill box (rather than rattle around on the tray under the lid) during rough travel.
The SHAKE pill box is guaranteed to make taking your pills safer, easier, and yes - even fun!

SHAKE is made by Sabi:
Twitter: @sabi_brand

My review;

This is a great idea and it is very easy to use. I would make sure that it is not in a place where a child might be able to gain access to it. It might be something that they might play with. Otherwise I would like to see another closing mechanism on it. I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

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