
Saturday, March 29, 2014

CHOP Minimal Effort Pill Cutter Review

Disclosure: I got this product as part of an advertorial.
             Different people split pills for different reasons: some pills, especially daily vitamin supplements, are so large that they can be difficult to swallow whole. Oftentimes, pills come in only one high dosage version and you need to halve or quarter them to get a lower dose. Others split pills because it’s more cost effective, since higher-dosage pills frequently cost the same as lower-dosage ones.
No matter the reason, if you split pills regularly you have likely encountered many pill splitter pitfalls. When we began to investigate the task of splitting pills we quickly realized that this seemingly trivial task is actually riddled with problem.
We wanted to create a superior pill splitter. We designed a pill splitter that can split all pills of any shape or size, cleanly, accurately, and easily. It employs a non-steel/non-razor durable plastic poly blade so it’s safe and won’t easily wear down. And you don’t have to worry about it rusting if it gets wet so it’s easy to clean.
We made it adjustable to all pill types, easy to hold and press, and at the same time fun to use and beautiful to look at. We hope that when you use CHOP, you’ll get into the ritual of snapping your pills to size and use the moment to stop, breathe, and think on the importance of your health and the time you invest in ensuring your healthcare is accurate, non-wasteful and… just plain fun.

CHOP is made by Sabi:
Twitter: @sabi_brand
My review; Yes, I am one of those people who cannot swallow pills. I always manage to get them caught. This is a really easy pill cutter to use. I was very excited to see how good it worked. I would recommend this to anyone who has this problem.
I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

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