
Wednesday, January 8, 2014

The Gatekeepers of Em'pyrean by KD Pryor Virtual Book Tour and Giveaway

The Portal’s Choice

The Gatekeepers of Em’pyrean Series

Book One

KD Pryor

Tallis discovers that portals are passageways between the human and spirit worlds. She finds out that bent-on-evil ghosts can escape from the spirit realm through those gateways whether they are supposed to or not. And when they do, Tallis finds herself the chosen human, picked by the portal in her basement in New Hampshire, to seek out and return the wayward spirits.

All Tallis wants to do is recover from the loss of her parents and settle into her new home. She’d like a boyfriend, someone like the cute guy, Aiden, down the street. She’d like some girlfriends to talk to and maybe even go shopping with. And she’d like the ghosts, the portal, and the responsibility that has been thrust upon her to disappear.



But when the ghosts threaten her new hometown, her friends, and the family she holds so dear, Tallis discovers the inner courage to meet the portal’s challenge and save those most precious to her. Along the way, Tallis learns that she is more than she’s ever imagined herself to be and that she deserves more than she’s ever dreamed possible.

Excerpt from The Portal’s Choice

I crouched down, holding the railing, straining to listen. And that’s when I saw them.

No freaking way,” I gulped, heart racing, palms sweating, hands clutching the bannister so hard it hurt.This cannot be real.”

But it was.

They had to be ghosts, pale, transparent, spooky, but surprisingly well dressed. No sheets for those two. One was a lady, wearing an old-fashioned dress, her hair curled and fastened on top of her head. The other was an old guy in a toga-like get-up, fastened around his middle with a cord. The old guy was talking to Noreis. All good thoughts about my uncle flew out of my head. Holy crap, what kind of place is this, and what kind of weirdo

has my aunt married?

The Inn of the Kindred Spirits
The Gatekeepers of Em’pyrean Series
KD Pryor



YA Paranormal

Publisher: Madaket Lane Publishers

ISBN-10: 0983232415

ISBN-13: 978-0983232414


Number of pages: 194

Word Count: 52,870

Cover Artist: Bespoke Book Cover

Book Description:

Brittany, France. Near the coast. A picturesque inn. Spectacular scenery. Tasty French treats. Time off from school.

Tallis Challinor imagines this as the perfect vacation scenario, so when her grandfather suggests that she accompany him to the country of her ancestors, she is more than happy to tag along. What Tallis doesn’t bargain on is another ghostly encounter, especially not so soon after she’s sealed up a bunch of unruly ghosts on their side of the portal between the human and spirit realms. But, when she feels the energy radiating from the megalithic standing stones dotting the countryside around Carnac, France, an energy that feels frighteningly like the power exuding from the portal in her basement back home, she has a feeling she might be in trouble. And she is right.

When her grandfather goes missing, Tallis leaps into action. She calls the only ghostbuster she knows in France and, with help on the way, she gears up to battle another set of spirits bent on causing destruction. Along the way, Tallis is forced to examine her life, her relationships, and her tightly-held beliefs about who she is and where she comes from. She also has to juggle two impossible males, both attractive but annoying, both seemingly set on driving her nuts or breaking her heart.

About the Author;

KD Pryor started life in Missouri, where she read lots of books, even sneaking them into baseball games to the irritation of her father. Kelley graduated with a degree in International and Comparative Studies from Trinity University in San Antonio, Texas. After college and marriage to a great guy, she decided to pursue a law degree at the University of Kansas in Lawrence. Her oldest son was born soon after law school, followed three years later by her daughter and a move to Kentucky. One more son, a move to Ohio and four years later, her family jumped on the opportunity to move to India. They lived in Bangalore, now Bengaluru, for four wonderfully chaotic years, traveling all over Asia, Australia and Europe.

Now, settled in New Hampshire with her family and herd of cats (only three), she can often be found in her office, working on the next installment of “The Gatekeepers of Em’pyrean” series, reading one of a dozen books she has started, and dreaming of her future travel destinations.

The Portal’s Choice”, book one in “The Gatekeeper’s of Em’pyrean” series featuring Tallis Challinor, was released on May 6, 2013.



The Inn of the Kindred Spirits”, a novella featuring protagonist Tallis Challinor, was released in November 18, 2013.

The Forgotten Gate”, book two in “The Gatekeeper of Em’pyrean” series, is scheduled for release in 2014.




Tour Wide Giveaway 2- $25 Amazon gift cards a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. thank you for the chance to win :)

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  3. thank you for the giveaway!

  4. Thanks for the giveaway!

