
Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Homeschool Observations and How We Are Flexible

     We are having a lot of fun learning all about homeschooling from other homeschoolers who share their thoughts and their successes as well as their not so great adventures. One of the best things that we as homeschoolers have going for us is that there are many more parents and caregivers realizing that this is really the best thing that they could do for their children, and we are able to share with each other.
     Yes, it takes commitment, yes it takes time, but, there are rewards everyday.  Anyone who homeschools know that their  children will be able to work at their own pace and learn in the way that it best for them.  The other day I had to go to the dentist for an emergency root canal. I used to have to work with Mommy to make sure that she would be able to pick up the kids. This was not the case this time. Mommy had to go somewhere a different day, and she made an appointment without a big shake up in the house.
    We are flexible and we are not tied in to someone else's schedule. We have become a family that is flexible and spontaneous. Mommy, Daddy, Bobo, and Sissy are able to have their kind of Christmas not what someone else wants them to have. Many years ago Poppie worked at an elementary school. where he used to dress up as Santa and when the kids were leaving for the school break he would give out lollipops that we had bought. There were a few that did not object to the lollipops, they objected to having a Santa. They objected to anything that talked about Christmas in any way. 
     I am upset when schools around us are in session on Veteran's Day. It is getting out of control. When a school district does not believe in honoring our Veterans then I am glad that Bobo and Sissy are not in school. The really crazy thing though, is that the curriculum talks about citizenship. I always thought that citizenship is part of caring about your country.
    It seems that every time we are out and people hear the kids reading and talking about the menus , the prices and more, they almost always ask them what grade they are in. They started to recite what they have learned so far about the solar system. We even had 2 ladies the other day say that they probably knew more than they did. It was a huge compliment!  We were very proud and talked with the kids about how we were very proud of them.
   We are now working on the solar system, subtracting, addition and reading, Sissy has been reading for over a year and she is only 5 years old. Bobo is better in math than Sissy but as I have said they are learning at their own pace. It is important that others look into this because it is really a wonderful thing to do for your child.

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