
Saturday, December 1, 2012

A Christmas Home by Greg Kincaid Book Review

    As I started to read this book  I began to think about my own dogs and how much I loved them.  I read about how this wonderful young man wanted to do all he could to save as many animals as possible  because he loved them, too! This is a story about a young man named Todd who works for a local animal shelter. Todd is a young man with a disability but he has not allowed it to keep him from achieving his dreams.
    Todd meets a young volunteer named Laura and they become best friends. She also has some disabilities in her life to overcome. Todd has a wonderful companion, his dog named Christmas who is a Labrador retriever. Todd and Christmas train a dog named Gracie to help Laura with her everyday tasks.
    Todd's boss explains to him that because of the lack of funding the shelter has to close it's doors and he has to finds homes for all of the dogs in the shelter. While he is trying to do all of that he then has to find a new job. And to top it all off Laura's friendship and his is beginning to be more romantic than friendship only.
   As I was reading this about a dog named Christmas I thought about one of my dogs named Ramona, a Shih Tzu who had a stroke on Christmas evening a few years ago, and how much I love and miss her. This is a story of family love, wonderful friends to help and a dog named Christmas. I love the way that this book shows that people with disabilities are able to overcome many obstacles with the help of others. I love how dogs in this story are made heroes because of their love and caring for their disabled owners.
  It is a story that will make you happy and makes you also realize in your own life that all people are the same whether disabled or not.  This story is a lesson for all of us. If you would like to read more about this wonderful author you can do so at .
   I was given this book to review by Waterbrook Multnomah Publishing Group,  , for the purpose of a review by their Blogging For Books Program. I received no other compensation and all opinions are my own.

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