
Friday, October 28, 2011


All week they have been talking in Connecticut about the possibility of snow. What's that you say? You don't believe it, well neither did I. At about 6pm tonight we looked outside and it was snowing. I hope this isn't a preview of what is in store for us thie winter.
Today was one of my son-in-laws birthdays. Earlier this week was my daughter over at wedding anniversary. We decided that tomorrow after everyone gets home from work we would have a small get together and have some cake etc. I am really tired of the same old cold cut sandwiches so Mommy , me and Sissy, with ideas from Bobo have decided we want to try something different.I will update you in a day or 2 what we had and how delicious it came out, (we hope!)
I have started to read the book THE CHRISTMAS HOPE BY DONNA VANLIERE which I received free from . I have not been able to put it down. I love her books. I'll let you know in a few days what I loved about it.
I really love to read!

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