
Saturday, October 22, 2011


I just finished reading a book called Timeless Frienships by Michelle Le Blanc . I really enjoyed the book as it was written to show that a group of high school friends can endure through hardships and trials. This book although shows this , I felt it was a little to sad for me. There was too much suffering, death and accidents that seem to hit each member of this group. It lives up to it's title though and I could relate to some of the group members , but I had a hard time getting over some of the pages without wanting to sit and cry. I would have liked to see a little more happiness and not having to feel as if I was waiting for the next shoe to drop. It did however give me a chance to read a different kind of book than I ever have before. I also did find myself thinking back to my own experiences in high school. If that was the point of the book then I guess I really got the point.
This book was published by through their Dorrance Book Review team . I was provided this book free of charge. The opinions were all my own.

1 comment:

  1. Hey I tried following you but some maintence with the site, but would love for you to follow me than I can follow you when it's not being "crazy" lol thanks so much :) have a great day!!!

