
Friday, August 26, 2011


I guess that Hurricane Irene is coming to visit , probably on Sunday. We have been getting ready for a few days. This is rare in New England . We have made sure that we have flashlights and batteries. I hope we don't lose power ! We have water and some easy things we can make , sandwiches etc. We also can use the barbecue outside if we don't have power for a few days. They said that the winds might bring down trees and power lines.

What a weird week. First we get an earthquake then a hurricane . Some schools that were supposed to start on Monday have already delayed opening till Tuesday. The Governor has already declared a State of Emergency. Tomorrow we will make sure we have all we need to stay safe. Thank goodness we have a good stockpile. There is no bread or water on the shelves in some stores until tomorrow. I cannot imagine running around at the last minute.

We might go and pick some tomatoes and peppers tomorrow if the weather is okay like the weatherman said. I guess we will pray for the best .

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