
Wednesday, August 24, 2011


I was in love with this book from the moment I picked up and started reading it. I have recently lost my husband so I was ready to read this kind of book . I looked at the back cover something I have seemed to do since I was in high school .
The back asked questions which seemed to pertain to me . "Are you sleepwalking through your days?" "Are you on the sidelines of your life as a spectator instead of fully participating ?" I answered yes to these questions.
I learned to relax and not worry so much about the little things I could not change and to move forward with the things I could. I learned to try to be involved more with my family , to step up and be a part of it, not sit and let my life pass me by day by day.

I recommend this book for anyone who has suffered a loss and has tried to move ahead. For someone who just wants to reflect on what they need to feel good about themselves. It will help in many ways .
Disclosure I was sent this book by for an honest review. All opinions are 100% my own

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