
Thursday, February 6, 2020

Something Happened by Brandy Isaacs Virtual Book Tour and Giveaway

Something Happened
Brandy Isaacs

Genre: Urban Fantasy, Horror, New Adult Fiction

Date of Publication: Sept. 1, 2019
Number of pages: 302
Word Count: 98,082

Cover Artist: MuertoLopez, and Joe Pessanha

Book Description:

Rion Webster never knew she had a father, let alone a little sister. But, when social services calls informing her that her estranged father is dead, and her younger sister is now an orphan, she reluctantly opens her home. It doesn’t take long to realize Beckett is a troubled kid. Deeply troubled.

Unwilling to turn her back on the only family she knows, Rion struggles to help the child. Rion, more than anyone, knows the horrors of an abusive childhood, so she vows to stick it out for her sister. But, something is wrong with Beckett. Something more than just an abusive childhood.

If Rion and her friends can find out what happened, they just might save the child. But, who will save them from Beckett?

Amazon      Smashwords

About the Author:

Brandy was born and raised in Lexington, KY, but moved around a bit since then.  Currently, she lives outside of Chicago and writes when she's not working to make the world a better place (her day job is at a nonprofit).

If one person enjoys the stories in her head, she's happy.  And inspired to keep going. If you keep reading, she'll keep writing.  Just kidding--she's gonna write even if no one is reading.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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