
Thursday, December 26, 2019

Aryana's Journey by Aspen Black Book Tour & Giveaway

Aryana's Journey 
Excalibur's Decision Book 1 
by Aspen Black 
Genre: Reverse Harem Fantasy Romance 
Publication Date: December 20, 2019

In the twenty third century the gateways were opened by Merlin between Earth and The Realm, the home of the Fae, in search of the next King Arthur. Magic flooded the Earth, overtaking most of technology. Now, hundreds of years later, Fae have learned to coexist peacefully with humans and Merlin still searches the Earth with Excalibur.

Aryana works in the Mayor’s kennels overnight. She’s been content with her life up until the moment her eyes meet those of Merlin’s. Everything changes during the Star Festival. Her life becomes a whirlwind as she travels to Avalon with her Knights of the Round Table, her Wizard and a new ally that no one was ever expecting.

It’s up to Aryana to help stop an ancient evil that dwells deep within The Realm. She will have to learn to fight for herself with the help of Excalibur to aid in the upcoming war.

This is a slow to medium burn fantasy reverse harem why choose novel. 

Aspen Black is often described as kooky by her friends. She writes the stories that have floated continuously in her imagination since she was a child. She's a lemonade addict that really shouldn't be allowed near lemons. 

Being an introvert, she spends most of her time writing and reading her favorite books. 

Please join her on her facebook and twitter feeds for up to date information on current and in-progress books. 

She is a lover of all animals, having a small zoo at home. 

Google Home Mini, $10 Amazon, $5 Amazon – 1 winner each! 
Follow the tour HERE for special content and a giveaway!


  1. I like the cover, especially how the sword divides the two faces. Thanks for the giveaway!

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