
Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Wild Hunt by Nancy Kilpatrick Book Tour & Giveaway

Wild Hunt: a vampire novella 
by Nancy Kilpatrick 
Genre: Adult Dark Fantasy

A sassy, legally-blind psychic.
A three centuries-old Transylvanian vampire.
Enemies. Each with their own endgame. Compelled to form a fragile alliance where every encounter crackles with as much attraction as repulsion. 

This fast-paced, modern vampire novella vibrates with danger, treachery and Dark Romance. The plot twists and turns, the stakes are the highest, and nothing is as it seems. 

Created by master storyteller Nancy Kilpatrick, readers are definitely in for an exciting, fun read. 

Let the Wild Hunt begin! 

"I enjoyed every drop. "Wild Hunt" is a stand-out tale. Honestly, I would pay much more than I did for that story."
Lydia Peever, reviewer

"Nancy Kilpatrick writes with intelligence and depth, her stories both innovative and captivating. What I find most impressive in her tales is how brilliant and emotionally driven they are."
Moonlight (aka Amanda), reviewer 

"Vampires from Nancy Kilpatrick's imagination become some of the most wickedly unique I have ever read."
Sam Reeves review 

**On sale for 99 cents !!** 

Nancy Kilpatrick is an award-winning author. Her publishing credits include 22 novels, over 220 short stories, 6 collections of her stories, 1 graphic novel, 1 non-fiction book and, as well, she has edited 15 anthologies. She lives in Montreal and her work is published in the U.S., Canada, the U.K., and has been translated into 8 languages. These are the genres in which she has published: dark fantasy, horror, fantasy, mystery, science fiction, erotica. Details can be found on her website below. 

Follow the tour HERE for special content and a giveaway!


  1. The images on the book cover are mysterious looking and the dripping font is great.

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