
Monday, October 28, 2019

I Am Jade by Victoria Danes Virtual Book Tour and Giveaway

I am Jade
The Jade Sinclair Series
Book One
Victoria Danes

Genre: urban fantasy/paranormal romance

Date of Publication: December 17th 2017

ISBN: 9781976809347
ASIN: B0784753DJ

Number of pages: 199
Word Count: 52k

Formats available: mobi, epub, pdf

Cover Artist: Donna Gambel

Tagline: No one’s secret is safe…

Book Description:

Misery loves company…and monsters. 

Secrets have always been a touch away for clairvoyant Jade Sinclair. On a good day, she can read into people’s souls and uncover buried truths long forgotten. To help find three missing teens, Jade uses her gift to assist the local PD in locating them, but soon realizes this is one case she should have turned down because in Misery, Pennsylvania, the monsters that used to lurk in the shadows have now come out to play..

For police officer and werewolf, Adrian Kincaid, life has become a tedious routine. But when he’s called to the scene of an accident, he finds himself consumed with the urge to save the unknown female victim. Jade. With seconds ticking by and her life slipping, he does the one thing he’d sworn to never do, bite her, awakening something dark and hungry inside her that could threaten not only the investigation, but everything Jade thought she knew about herself. Can she silence the cravings inside her and bring the teens home before it’s too late? Or will she become the kind of monster she’s searching for?

About the Author:

Victoria Danes was born in Transylvania, but grew up in the United States. She currently resides in Pennsylvania with her husband and three children. Books have been her passion ever since she was a little girl. She loves everything from mysteries and thrillers, but holds a special place in her heart for historical romance. She prefers reading and writing to watching television "because our imagination can be much more entertaining."

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Sounds like a great book. I'm looking forward to reading it.

  2. The cover art for the book is amazing. I love the eye color for a urban fantasy/paranormal genre book.
