
Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Extinction Of All Children by L. J. Epps Virtual Book Tour and Giveaway

Extinction Of All Children
Book One
L.J. Epps

Genre:  Fantasy Fiction, Dark Fantasy

Publisher:  L.J. Epps

Date of Publication:  06/03/2016

ISBN: 978-0-9971913-3-2

Number of pages: 250
Word Count: 79,826

Cover Artist:

Tagline: What would you do if you were the last eighteen-year-old in the territory?  Join Emma on a wild ride and find out how she survives this fate.

Book Description:

The futuristic world of Craigluy has been divided into three territories and three economic classes. A large wall separates the territories, so the poor cannot mingle with the rich.

Since President Esther, the ruler over all of Craigluy, believes the poor do not have adequate means to take care of children, they are no longer allowed to procreate. Pregnant mothers are imprisoned until their babies are born, then the infants are taken away.

Emma Whisperer is the last child to survive. She is the last child born in lower-class Territory L before the law was instituted in the year 2080. She is the last eighteen-year-old.

Emma struggles to understand why she was spared while others weren’t. She doesn’t like the laws and believes they should be repealed. Her family doesn’t agree with her; they discourage her rebellious streak. Yet, she helps them to cover up their own family rebellion. She helps them to hide a big secret, a secret that could be both disastrous and deadly for members of their family.

As she meets new people along the way, Emma learns who she can and cannot trust. And, in the end, she makes a gut-wrenching decision that may be disastrous for everyone.

She finds herself in danger for doing what she feels is right.

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Get the entire series on Amazon

Excerpt 1:

“On your feet.”
I hear a loud voice. My heart jumps. It sounds like Rich.
There are no windows here, but my internal clock tells me it is bedtime. I was waiting for the lights off in ten minutes call. Instead, I see him standing in front of my cell. He looks the same yet scarier, and his green eyes peer at me. His hair looks as bright as a ripe cherry. My hands shake.
“I’m not going to say it again. You’ve been summoned to see the president.”
“But it’s almost time for lights out.” My voice quivers.
 “I don’t care what time it is. I gave you an order.”
 I stand and my knee twitches. The ice pack, lying on my side, falls and crashes to the floor. My cell door opens with a squeal, and Rich steps inside. He is dressed in his uniform, and he smells of musk and liquor. I didn’t think guards could drink while on duty, but what do I know.
“Let’s go,” he says, clutching my arm.
Once I’m out of my cell, he snaps the handcuffs on. The coldness straddles my wrists. Like a dog on a leash, he leads and I follow. My stomach is in knots. I don’t know what to expect once we reach the president’s quarters. But, we don’t go to the fifth floor; the elevator dings on the second floor. He pulls on my handcuffs and yanks me off the elevator. My gym shoes scuff against the hardwood floors as we walk down the long hallway. We end up at the conference room.
The room is bright red. There is a large window. I see a few remnants of sunlight, peering through the blinds. There is a long, brown table that looks like it is made of marble. There are four chairs on each side and one large chair at the end where President Esther sits. She has on a dark blue pants suit and a white shirt. Her silver hair is pulled back into a bun, and her lipstick is bloodred.
“Sit down, Emma,” she says, pointing to the chair next to her. “I thought we could have a chat.”
I plunk down, but not next to her. I sit a few seats away.
“You’re cautious, I like that.” Her mouth curls up.
Rich still stands in the room. He’s glaring at me, like a fire breathing dragon. I shiver.
“Thank you, Rich.” President Esther looks at him. “That will be all.”
“Are you sure you don’t need me to stay?”
“No, I’ll be fine.”
“But, I think I should.” He steps closer. His eyes narrow.
 “I said I’ll be fine, Richard.” She uses his full first name. “You can go now.”
“As you wish,” he says, with a lion-like growl.
I never knew his full first name was Richard, but I’m glad she told him to leave. He seems like he would challenge her, at every turn. I wonder why she keeps him around. He looks like a coldhearted killer, so maybe she needs his talents. I pray, once he leaves the room, my knee will stop wiggling. He roughly exits, stomping like a drunken man whose liquor has been cut off. The door bangs as he slams it behind him.
“Sorry about that.” Her piercing blue eyes gape at me. “He goes overboard, sometimes.”

About the Author:

L.J. Epps is a lover of all things related to books: fiction and nonfiction novels, as well as biographies and autobiographies. She has also been known to sit and read comic books from cover to cover, several times over.

Over the last few years, L.J. has written several manuscripts; her mission is to publish all of them. She enjoys writing fiction in several genres, including contemporary romance and women’s fiction, as well as young adult dystopian, science fiction and fantasy. She loves to write because it immerses her into another world that is not her own.

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