
Thursday, January 31, 2019

Dear You by Derra Nicole Sabo Book Tour & Giveaway

Dear You
by Derra Nicole Sabo
Genre: Biography

Dear You is a lovely invitation into Derra Nicole Sabo's world.

A wonderful opportunity borne out of a complex and challenging experience, to recall the good times with loved ones, the chance to express the rarely spoken profound specifics of what binds friends and family together.

Derra Sabo shares a bit of her world with you in this delightful memoir filled with "letters" to family and friends. Overcoming challenges by simply living life; Derra shares her experiences here in hopes of helping the reader gain an appreciation for life as it happens. 

This is a heart-warming collection of letters to loved ones that explores the wonder, frailty and extraordinary qualities of friendship, family, love and life.

As someone with anxiety, writing is my way of speaking. When my verbal skills fail, my pen excels. I have always had something to say to the world and to the humans residing in it, I just could never get my mind and mouth to be on the same level. So, I picked up a pen and haven't looked back. I have a message for you. A message for my family, my friends and to all the beating hearts. Dear You is a letter personally written, from me to you.

Follow the tour HERE for exclusive excerpts, guest posts and a giveaway!


  1. I was just telling my friend how lucky I was to take a bus tour of Christmas lights with my mom. As we were traveling, I reached over and took her hand and just held it. Mom asked me whats wrong?, and I said it's been a long time since we held hands. How sad that we wait till it's to late to express ourselves. I look forward to reading this book.

    1. Such a sweet comment 💜 it's so true though, life is too short, never wait to take in all of the important moments. Thank you for sharing this lovely moment 💜
