
Sunday, September 9, 2018

Spirit Warrior by Ella J Smyth Virtual Book Tour

Spirit Warrior
Spirit Walker
Book Three
Ella J. Smyth

Genre: Urban Fantasy Romance

Publisher: Unapologetic Romances

Date of Publication: 26th August 2018

ISBN: 9781386686910

Number of pages: 299
Word Count: 65600

Cover Artist: CoverMe Designs

Tagline: A mighty spirit walker with a personal grudge, set to destroy them both.

Book Description:

Adi and Honi journey to Southern Oklahoma to meet Honi’s Mekui’te tribe at the reservation where he grew up. Honi’s infectious excitement almost erases Adi’s apprehension at meeting his family, and she’s desperate to make a good impression.

When Adi is met with silent hostility that gets worse rather than better, she realizes there may be more to the initial resistance Honi had warned her to expect.

Honi is confused and hurt by his family’s reaction, and by Adi’s increasingly strange behavior. She’s claiming the spirit animals of his tribe are diseased and sickly, but they look just fine to him. On top of that, when Adi meets Honi’s ex, Nina, her jealousy gets way out of hand, and threatens to drive them apart.

While mysterious forces manipulate and distort their realities, can Honi and Adi join forces to figure out what is happening before it’s too late and they are separated forever?

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Not wanting to startle the boy, Honi smiled.
“Hey there, buddy. What’s going on? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”
Con’s head shot up. He opened his mouth, then closed it again. Honi waited.
Eventually, the boy said quietly, “If I tell you, you’ll think I’m stupid.”
“Try me.”
Con still didn’t say anything. Honi tried again.
“Come on. I didn’t laugh when you told me about your dreams, did I?”
At this reminder of their last encounter, Con visibly calmed down.
“Okay. You can’t laugh, though.”
When Honi nodded, Con continued. “You’re probably going to think I’m crazy, but I look around, and there are wild animals everywhere. Nobody else seems to notice them. It’s totally insane. There are a couple of pets, like dogs and cats, but over there,” he pointed at the far corner of the room, “there’s a tiger.”
He pointed into a different direction. “And over there is a snake, wrapped around Uncle Josh’s shoulders.”
Con was definitely a spirit walker. It explained a lot. Maybe the queen had arranged the meeting in Emain Ablach somehow, maybe it had been an accident, but this kid needed help.
Honi remembered Adi’s terror when she’d first learned of her ability. Her unwillingness to deal with it and insistence on putting her visions down to mental illness had nearly killed them both. For now, he needed to contain the situation before something similar happened to Con.
Still gentling his voice, he said, “It’s okay. I know it seems impossible to believe right now, but there is a logical explanation for what you’re experiencing. We need to talk, but we can’t do that here with all these people around. Please believe me, these animals won’t hurt you,”—God, he honestly hoped that was the truth,— “and if you have another bad dream, tell me about it tomorrow. Don’t talk to anybody else about this. They wouldn’t understand.”
He hesitated before asking, “Have you got a cell phone?”
Con shook his head. Well, it had been a long shot. No way would his mom have spent drinking money on a phone for him.
“But there’s a landline at your house?”
Con shook his head again. “My mom has a cell phone.”
It would have to do. Honi motioned Con to stay where he was, then walked into the kitchen to fetch a pen and a slip of paper. When he returned, Con’s fear had turned into fascination. His eyes were tracking creatures that no one else, other than Honi and Adi, could see. Having someone tell him he wasn’t going crazy had obviously done the kid a world of good.

About the Author:

Unapologetic Romances Because Love Needs No Excuses

Growing up in Germany, Ella always had a passion for myths and fairytales. No surprise then that she married an Irishman and lived 6 years in Ireland, the country of Leipreachán, Sidhe, Púca and other fascinating creatures. There's nothing like walking at night through a deserted laneway, fog swirling around your feet, knowing that maybe, just maybe, on the other side of the hedge, there might be some old lady in a black cloak waiting for you...

If you got the shivers right now, you know why Ella feels compelled to write stories around the supernatural and paranormal. There's nothing like a delicious shudder making you enjoy life just a little more... Plus she’s a romantic.

So look forward to modern romantic stories set against the background of ancient myths and legends. Ella hopes you enjoy reading them as much as she enjoys writing them!

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