
Monday, July 23, 2018

Lady Guardians Forgiven by Reana Malori Book Tour & Giveaway

Lady Guardians: Forgiven
by Reana Malori
Genre: Contemporary Romance

Geneva Powers had experienced one of the worst days of her career.

She played the corporate game every day for the past ten years and enjoyed the life she’d built. Straddling two worlds was never easy, but she’d done just that for many years. During the day, she was a mild-mannered financial guru in a world of suits. But in her free time, away from the clean-cut world of numbers, she was a Lady Guardian. Riding her bike in the open air with the hum of the engine underneath her, was the only time she felt free to be herself. Due to some underhanded dealings at her office, her two worlds were about to collide in a most glorious way. 

Jamison Reed just wanted a good burger and a cold beer.

He was a war veteran, a businessman, and a biker all rolled into one. The night he caught sight of the beautiful woman walking into his favorite bar, all those labels fell to the side. At that moment, he was simply a man. A man who wanted to claim the woman who had a body made for loving. It was only supposed to be one night. Just enough to get her out of his system. That small taste of her wasn’t enough and now he wants more. When danger comes to her doorstep, he knows there’s no one else better to protect Geneva. His need to protect her was too great and he would let nothing come between him and his woman.

*40K Word Novella | BWWM Romance | HEA*

Reana's stories focus on multicultural / interracial romance. A firm believer that LOVE in all its forms should be celebrated, her goal is to weave a story that pulls the reader into her world and share in her universe, even if only for a short time. She currently lives in Virginia with her husband, and has two very handsome sons. You can most often find her enjoying a good book, as she is first and foremost a reader. And she loves a good romance.

Follow the tour HERE for exclusive excerpts and a giveaway!


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