
Saturday, March 17, 2018

Esme's Wish by Elizabeth Foster Book Tour & Giveaway

Esme’s Wish
by Elizabeth Foster
Genre: YA Fantasy
248 pages

A warm-hearted, whimsical fantasy tale, with lashings of mystery, magic, and mythology, and prose that 'flows like water.' Prepare to fall in love with Esperance!

"A fresh new fantasy, of an enchanting world." - Wendy Orr, author of Nim's Island and Dragonfly Song

When fifteen-year-old Esme Silver objects at her father's wedding, her protest is dismissed as the action of a stubborn, selfish teenager. Everyone else has accepted the loss of Esme's mother, Ariane - so why can't she?

But Esme is suspicious. She is sure that others are covering up the real reason for her mother's disappearance - that 'lost at sea' is code for something more terrible, something she has a right to know.

After Esme is accidentally swept into the enchanted world of Aeolia, the truth begins to unfold. With her newfound friends, Daniel and Lillian, Esme retraces her mother's steps in the glittering canal city of Esperance, untangling the threads of Ariane's double life. But the more Esme discovers about Ariane, the more she questions whether she really knew her at all.

This fresh, inventive tale is ideal for readers fifteen and under, including pre-teens keen to step up to YA. A wholly unique take on the genre, perfect for fans of Cornelia Funke or Rick Riordan.

Elizabeth Foster read avidly as a child, but only discovered the joys of writing some years ago, when reading to her own kids gave her the urge to create a story of her own. Once she started writing, she never looked back. She’s at her happiest when immersed in stories, plotting new conflicts and adventures for her characters. Elizabeth lives in Sydney, Australia, and Esme's Wish is her first novel. 

For more information, please visit her website: Sign up to her mailing list (on the first page of the website) to hear news about her writing journey and upcoming books.

Follow the tour HERE for exclusive excerpts and a giveaway!


  1. I enjoyed getting to know your book; congrats on the tour and I hope it is a fun one for you :)

  2. Congrats on the tour and I appreciate the book description and the great giveaway as well. Love the tours, I get to find books and share with my sisters the ones I know they would enjoy reading and they both love to read. Thank you!
