
Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Keturah by Lisa T. Bergen Book Tour, Book Review and Giveaway

Keturah (The Sugar Baron’s Daughters) (Bethany House, February 2018)
In 1772 England, Lady Keturah Banning Tomlinson and her sisters find themselves the heiresses of their father’s estates and know they have one option: Go to the West Indies to save what is left of their heritage.
Although it flies against all the conventions, they’re determined to make their own way in the world. But once they arrive in the Caribbean, conventions are the least of their concerns. On the infamous island of Nevis, the sisters discover the legacy of the legendary sugar barons has vastly declined–and that’s just the start of what their eyes are opened to in this harsh and unfamiliar world.
Keturah never intends to put herself at the mercy of a man again, but every man on the island seems to be trying to win her hand and, with it, the ownership of her plantation. She could desperately use an ally, but even an unexpected reunion with a childhood friend leaves her questioning his motives.
To keep her family together and save the plantation that is her last chance at providing for them, can Keturah ever surrender her stubbornness and guarded heart to God and find the healing and love awaiting her?
Learn more and purchase a copy.

Lisa Bergren
Lisa T. Bergren has published more than 40 books with more than 3 million books sold combined. She's the author of the Christy Award-winning "Waterfall," RITA®-finalist "Firestorm," bestselling "God Gave Us You," and popular historical series like Homeward, Grand Tour, and more. She's also a recipient of the RT Lifetime Achievement Award. She lives in Colorado Springs with her husband and three teen-and-older children.

Enter to win a copy of Keturah. Five winners will be chosen! Click the image below to enter to win. The winners will be announced March 13 on the Litfuse blog!

My review;

"Keturah" is the story of a woman's fight to not only keep her family safe she wants to be a free woman, without a man to answer to. But, who can she really even begin to trust? Even an old time friend may have ulterior motives. This is the first book in a new series called, "The Sugar Baron's Daughters' and it is a great start. I really enjoyed this story and I really liked the characters. It is always difficult to understand how women were so strong in earlier times. They were without any help , any of the things we have to make our lives easier yet, they would go where they had to without thought of what could really happen to them once they arrived if they were even lucky enough to even do that. When her father dies Keturah decides that she has to go to his plantation and find out with her sisters what they had indeed inherited. It is going to be very hard will she have enough faith to be able to make it work?  I give this a 5/5.  I was given this book by Litfuse Publiciy and these are my opinions.

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