
Monday, August 21, 2017

The Deadly Sin by H.J. Lawson Book tour and Giveaway

The Deadly Sun (The Sanction Series #1)

by H.J. Lawson

Genre: YA Dystopian/Scifi

Release date: August 21st 2017


Skylier is desperate to escape her underground confines and save her mother’s life.

On a school visit, she hears something she’s not supposed to and now she realizes that not only was her whole life a lie, but that she is in grave danger.

She doesn’t know who to trust and her enemies are everywhere. Now she is in a race against time to save not only her life, but her mother's and those she cares about.

And if she fails, she'll suffer a fate worse than death...

Upcoming books in the Sanction Series!

The Rising Tides (The Sanction Series #2) – Releases August 21st 2017

The Sanction Games (The Sanction Series #3) – Releases November 21st 2017

Series Buy Links:

Book One – The Deadly Sun

Book Two - The Rising Tide

Book Three - The Sanction Games

About the Author

I was born in Lancaster, England. Growing up in a single parent household with five other siblings was difficult but at the same time character building.

As a young child I found a passion for drawing and writing, which has stayed with me into adulthood. I graduated from the University of Central Lancashire, England with a BA(Hons) in fashion design.

At aged twenty seven, my husband and I packed up our belongings for our lifelong dream to move to California. Our America dream was completed with the birth of our daughter. 

A new job opportunity opened up New York, and we decided to relocate to Long Island, NY, where we currently reside.

My books are a mixture of thriller, action, and dystopian. If you’re looking for a good place to start, take a look at War Kids series of thrillers, available now. You can grab copies in either ebook or paperback. To get an email whenever I release a new title, sign up for the VIP newsletter by click this link.

Author Links:


a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Congrats on the release and thanks for the chance to win :)

  2. Congrats and best of luck on your new release!Always excited to see a new release day.

  3. The cover of this book looks great.

  4. I just love reading excerpts so I can find new books to read. Thanks for the chance to win.
