
Sunday, June 4, 2017

Weird and Wonderful by Cece Barlow Blog Tour and Giveaway

Weird and Wonderful
Cece Barlow
Genre: YA Contemporary Fiction
Release Date: February 13th 2017

Summary from Goodreads:

Gin Autry must finish the last semester of high school in eclectic Austin with her hippie grandmother while Gin’s brother waits for heart surgery in Houston.

Instability reigns, but Gin uses the principles of feng shui to find balance and send positive energy to her brother. She also secretly hopes her voice-over actress dream will advance and true love will show up.

Instead, she falls for the wrong guy and clings to the wrong dream. Nothing in Gin’s life is balanced, but when death threatens her brother, she discovers true balance is about listening, compromise, and the guy in the friend zone.  

Buy Link: Amazon

About the Author

Cece Barlow writes books for young adults and the young at heart. She's a a dash of fun, mixed in with some smart cookie and a splash of capable. She started her first fan fiction group in junior high and never stopped writing. Today, she writes about girls with lofty dreams and about the absolute craziness of falling in love.

When Cece's not writing, she curls up with a book, heads to a popcorn blockbuster, or kicks back to watch shooting stars. If she sees the moon in the daytime, she thinks she's lucky.

Cece lives in College Station, Texas with her college sweetheart Tim and two cats - one evil and one good.

Author Links:

GIVEAWAY: 5 winners-a signed book plus a signed doodle.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Blog Tour Organized by:

1 comment:

  1. Hi Debra! Thank you so much for featuring the Weird and Wonderful blog tour! I appreciate the love. Love the blog look, btw. Cece
