
Friday, June 30, 2017

A Warlock's Secret Demon's Witch Series Book Two by Tena Stetler Book Tour and Giveaway

A Warlock’s Secrets     
Demon’s Witch Series
Book Two
Tena Stetler

Genre: Paranormal Romance              

Publisher: The Wild Rose Press

Date of Publication: 6-14-17

ISBN: 978-1-5092-1446-4  
ISBN: 978-1-5092-1447-1

Number of pages:  332
Word Count: 83,485

Cover Artist: Kristian Norris

Tagline: In his darkest hours she is dragged into his magical world. If they survive, is she strong enough to heal his heart and tame the warlock?

Book Description:

Years ago a sacred ceremony at the Dragon’s Moon Coven, turned deadly. Son of the high priestess, Tristian Shandie’s life changed forever. With a price on his head and revenge in his heart, he has no choice but to follow in his father’s footsteps to a profession shrouded in secrets. Now his skills as an enforcer for the Demon Overlord are second to none. But dangerous secrets he harbors are a liability he can no longer afford.

A chance meeting with a woman he finds irresistible flips Tristian’s world upside down. Hannah is a cyber security specialist with secrets of her own. Bad boys never appealed to her until Tristian, who changes everything. In his darkest hours she is dragged into his magical world. If they survive, is she strong enough to heal his heart and tame the warlock? Or will their secrets destroy them?

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Excerpt 1

Panic set in, her brain wouldn't engage and her mouth took off on its own. "I..I didn't mean to wwake you.  Only wanted to apologize for whatever I said the other night that pissed you off," she stammered." God -- Can I embarrass myself anymore? Her cheeks felt like they were on fire as she whirled away from him in an attempt to compose herself.  When she turned around, he’d leaned one shoulder against the doorframe, crossed his arms over his sculptured chest, but his smoldering gaze over her body should have incinerated the clothes she was wearing.
Resting her hand on her hip she tilted her chin up, her gaze met his. "Like what you see?" Oh my god, where did that come from?  Her hand flew to her mouth again. "Anyway, I'm sorry." She turned and sprinted down the steps.  By the time she reached her car, he was leaning nonchalantly against her driver’s side door. "How did you do that?"
"Practice." He blinked at her. "Why don't you come in and have a cup of coffee, obviously you are having caffeine withdrawals. I warmed up a couple of cinnamon rolls and apple fritters.  Would you like one?"   Not waiting for an answer, he sauntered up the steps.
Her knees when weak, she licked her lips.
"No…. I have to go,” she stammered. “I was on my way home after a run.  But thanks for the invitation."
"Suit yourself.”  He strolled through the doorway and paused turned back to peer at her. "Sure?"
Her stomach growled loudly. Traitorous organ.  "Maybe just a bite and a big cup of coffee." She plodded up the stairs and followed him into the kitchen filled with the aroma of warm cinnamon and apples

About the Author:

Tena Stetler is a paranormal romance and cozy mystery author with an over-active imagination.  She wrote her first vampire romance as a tween, to the chagrin of her mother and the delight of her friends. With the Rocky Mountains outside her window, Tena sits at her computer surrounded by a wide array of paranormal creatures telling her their tales. Colorado is her home; shared with her husband of many moons, a brilliant Chow Chow, a spoiled parrot and a forty-year-old box turtle.  Any evening, you can find her curled up in front of a crackling fire with a good book, a mug of hot chocolate and a big bowl of popcorn. Her books tell tales of magical kick-ass women and mystical alpha males that dare to love them.

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a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Thank you for spotlighting A Warlock's Secrets! I really appreciate it! Have a wonderful weekend!

  2. Thank you for the chance to win.
