
Saturday, March 11, 2017

The Rose Mark by Connie Suttle Promo Blitz

We belong to the King--those of us with the black roses tattooed on our left wrist, directly over our pulse. As if every beat of our hearts reminds us that we are not our own.
All the women with the fire burning within them are culled, tattooed and taken to the warriors, to provide more energy. Energy that the warriors will then use to defeat the barbarians from the ocean of sand. Women with black roses on their wrists are emptied of their power by those warriors, who care not that they die a shrunken husk.
In the King's library, The Book of the Rose says to honor the tattooed women. More than anything, I want to spit on its pages.
As for running--there is one thing worse than having a black rose on your wrist. That is for the enemy to find you and see the black rose on your wrist. Your death will be slow and excruciating at their hands...

About the Book

The Rose Mark
by Connie Suttle
Black Rose Sorceress #1
Urban Fantasy
Paranormal Fantasy
Subtle Demon Publishing, LLC
Publication Date
February 23, 2017
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Also Available On

About Connie Suttle

Connie Suttle is the author of the Blood Destiny series, the Legend of the Ir’Indicti series, the High Demon Series, the God Wars series and the Saa Thalarr series. Other titles are scheduled for release very soon.
Connie earned her MFA from the University of Oklahoma and has taught courses at the university level. Reading (and writing) have been a constant throughout her life.
The author lives in Oklahoma with her patient, long-suffering husband and three cats. Obviously, the cats are not so long-suffering and are certainly not patient.

Connie's Links

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